Tennis Shoes
When I was a freshman in high school we were in abject poverty but I wanted to join the tennis team. One memory is that my mother initially bought me shoes from Walmart that I ran holes in within a few weeks given the cheap material so I told my mom after a couple more weeks wearing completely worn through shoes that I really needed a new pair. There weren't many options in Oakridge for Tennis specific shoes, so all of the best player's got these $60 pair at Sport's & Outdoors. When I asked my mother to take me to look at shoes we went into the isle and she wanted to buy me the cheapest pair that weren't stylish or high quality because she didn't have the money to spend. After probably two minutes of arguing with my mom about how I needed the more expensive shoes, she gave in stating "This is going to drain my bank account." And it hurts now that I wasn't more grateful just to have shoes regardless of style or functionality. The thing is in my younger years in high school when we had no money I was very self-centered, selfish, and only cared about myself as was the case with Bryce. The thing is Bryce never grew out of that phase.
Anyways as I got a little bit older, maybe sophomore year of High School I used my neighbor's internet signal and began writing articles at 1 cent per word and saved up for high quality tennis shoes so my mother would not have to experience the pain I put her through ever again, at least in the regard to basic needs and luxury goods.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.