Jane Mavelly
Today I would like to take a moment to tell you about one of the most caring, loving, generous and kind grandmothers I could have ever asked for. Jane Mavelly
To you she might have been a close friend, but to me she was everything. From teaching me the basics of gardening to playing nurse when one of us kids got hurt. She cooked all of our meals, made us smile, and taught us what a true loving heart is.
Jane worked her entire life to provide for others, and honestly I don't know how I could have gotten by without her. She loved her family and God and put these two loves before herself. Every Sunday you could find Jane at church singing in the choir at both services held that day. She taught us to pray before every meal and to be grateful for the love God has bestowed upon us all.
It is difficult to accept that she is gone, but I can rest in solace knowing she is now with her daughter, husband, and sisters reminiscing about their lives, able to truly express love for all. She is at peace and can rest knowing she lived a good life
I loved my grandmother and I'm sure you all did as well, she was a great woman by every definition. She accepted everyone for who they were and strictly admonished the positive traits they carried.
She was also one of the strongest people I have ever known. She went through loss, pain, tragedy, and trauma, yet she never succumbed to these facets of life. She smiled at everyone and never spoke a bad word towards anyone. These traits in their honorable nature are ones she relinquished to me and I carry them with pride knowing that is exactly what my grandmother would have wanted.
Today I have shared with you a little about my grandmother, Jane Mavelly and the traits she carried. Love, kindness, caring, generosity, empathy and so many more. I cannot express enough how much she meant to me and meant to us all. She was truly a gift, angel, and shining light on this world and will be truly missed. I love you Jane Mavelly, granny, may you rest in peace.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.