Cathy Simpleton Throws Away My Medication and Belongings.
In 2017 maybe, I can't recall, after I had been living with the Smiths and being confronted on a daily basis with the mental insanity of Jonathan and of course his disrespect when I couldn't defend myself, I got offered by Carleton's mom, Cathy to live with her. She claimed that she was never home and that her three-bedroom house was empty so I could live there rent free alone. This was a lie. Cathy had become depressed after Carleton left for college and was home all of the time. Apparently as well I was told in later years that she didn't have any money like she flaunted Carleton and I's senior year of high school. Anyways, I accepted her offer which was a huge mistake. She wanted to have me as a pseudo son that she could control. Going into the months of living with her is best saved for another time.
So living with her and through manipulation by a sociopath counselor at MHMR in Helter Ohio I decided to go to Ohio state hospital. Really I just needed money to live on my own and I would have been fine, but no I went through the suggestions of others and went to OSH for the second time in my life. Eventually I went through three months at OSH and a month at Southside Recovery. I left on no notice so all of my belonging remained in their place in the Simpleton's bedroom. Whenever I got back from Southside I went into what was my bedroom to find all of my medication had been thrown away. All of my vapes and fluid were gone. She even threw away my redbull box. Worst of all my personal journal was on the table and had been gone through. I never confronted her about how wrong that was, just let karma take care of it. I can understand maybe the vape and redbull were unhealthy habits, but my medication crossed the line. Cathy thought she knew more than my doctor questioning "why would they give you a stimulant, then something to help you sleep? That doesn't make any sense, I want to talk to your doctor". I think she was born in a different time where education was limited and ego and stubbornness took predominance. She didn't believe in medication and so she threw about 6 bottles of my prescriptions in the trash
Anyways, to this day I don't ever want to see her again and I know she is broke and depressed from talking with Carleton, but quid pro quo, final years of life consumed by sadness and regret is about what she deserves.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.