Moving in with Damien
My senior year of high school from Fall into late Spring semester I lived with the Simpletons and just hung out with Damien on occasion. When him and I would hang out I discussed my living arrangements and how mean Cathy was to me he and so he offered for me to move in with him at his grandparent's place which I agreed to. It was either get bullied and made fun of by the Simpletons, be homeless, or move in with Damien, the last of which I did. Damien would make claim that he was the caretaker for his grandparents when really what that amounted to was Damien using their monthly retirement to buy them food every other night, while also using the card for his own personal expenses.
One day before school Damien and I decided to stop at the donut shop next to campus and when we placed our order and he went to pay it was declined. He paid cash but in response to it being declined he stated "They just spent through their money too fast." Them being his grandparents which were strictly homebound. It was an abuse of power justified in that it was moral and helping them out. After the final month of school was over I prepared to make the trip to leave Oakridge to live with my grandparents for the summer before College.
Damien ST
Our senior year of high school if you were in the top ten percent of the graduating class, grade-wise you were guaranteed addition to state schools like ST and UT. I was so engaged in the process and my future that literally by the first month of senior year in high school I had been accepted to Ohio ST and The University of Ohio. The reason why I went with ST was because I never had the money or opportunity to tour colleges and was stuck in Oakridge homeless.
That combined with I got into the Business School at Ohio ST but not into the school of Business at UT. If I could go back and make the decision over again I would have gone with Baylor which I was also accepted into. Anyways while I was told early on that I was accepted into ST and the Business school at that, Damien had to appeal his case and spend all school year trying to make up for the last three years he did nothing. Getting into ST wasn't something I stumbled upon, I worked as hard as I could to assure this would happen, while Damien chose to chase Brandy and her best friend Emily.
Anyways I remember when I lived with Damien at his grandparents the day he got his decision letter from Ohio ST which he applied to. We were in his room where he opened the letter, read it and then he teared up and went into the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and started crying.
He obviously didn't get into the school which for me getting into ST wasn't a big deal, but he had a connection to the school and their heritage. Basically Damien loved the school and was heartbroken when he was not accepted. The secondary option he tried to attain was Greendale Team where you begin taking classes at the local community College, while also taking a class or two at ST with the goal of completing basic requirements through both and transfer to strictly ST junior year. He wasn't accepted to that either, so he deemed his next best option was to have his uncle pay for an apartment in Oakridge, go to Greendale, and use the system and people he knew to try and get into the traditions at ST. I've said it before but without myself he never would have met Jen, or my roommate Tyler, or any students at ST.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.