Garage Sale in Durham
Whenever my family minus my brother were living at Durham my mother had a garage sale to try and raise some sort of money. I believe the total ended up being something like $20-$40 to which my mother had my dad go and get fast food for us. Something we grew up with, but was a rarity in my youth to where we only ate out a couple times year.
We never had the money to go out to eat in the later years at Broken Lane as well. Anyways my mother asked me what I wanted to eat from Long John Silvers and I replied fish or shrimp. My mother and father went to the restaurant and spent almost all of the garage sale money so that the family could have a meal. I knew the prices of the place and that it would have been all of our money so I felt guilt for taking food. The worst thing that happened from this to which it pains me today was instead of getting me a $5 meal they bought me a $11 meal. They got me both shrimp and fish while they had $5 meals themselves. It hurts so fucking much that my parents spent money on me that they didn't have but years later when I think about it, they did what they could in the moment to try and make our lives better. It was meant as a gift but it was pure pain. The only aside is that I gave my father part of the meal as well.
Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.