Bryce Ring Mom
The adult figures in my life most notably my mother would bring up punishments that received by her hand and laugh about them, often requiring that we tell our siblings what had happened to us with pride as she listened to a shameful admittance. This would be a regular occurrence throughout my youth and a story told by my brother showcases how my mother was not just physically abusive, but that in her mind she believed torture was acceptable.
I believe now that physical, emotion, and sexual abuse of her defenseless children beginning at age 3 was how she reacted to not having control of money as our family stayed in poverty until it became abject and we were homeless in 2007. Anyways my mother really warped my brother's mind when it comes to abuse. He would tell me a story that when he was a young child age 3 he told my mother "no" to a request by her and her response was to backhand slap him in the face with her wedding ring. She did so so aggressively that it cut his face open and when he cried about it, my mother would tell him, "if you think this was bad, go see how black people treat their children." My mother and well father, and my mother's father were all incredibly racist, but that is something to delve in at another time. When I say my mother warped my brother's mind is when he would tell the story at a later stage in life when I could understand and remember he did so with laughter, thinking that this treatment was ok and comical. He for some reason always believed my parents were the best, they fucking tortured us, then made us relive the experience again, and again, and again.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.