Abbacus was the son of our family cat Angel. I don't remember how we acquired Angel, but my parents I doubt had the money to have her spade so she ended up getting pregnant with about 9 kittens after she was comfortable in our home and the neighborhood. Shortly after giving birth I was told by my mother that somehow Angel had broken her tail and had to be put down. We were left with her 9 kittens to care for until they could be adopted. Out of the 9 there was one cat in particular that we decided to keep. A grey cat with stripes that we all decided to name Abbacus.
When we moved the 1st time from our original home my parents brought Abbacus inside the house. He had spent his entire life safe and in luxury being an outdoor cat that lived in our garage to a life in an unknown old home and strange neighborhood. When he got the opportunity he fled upstairs and into the attic. No one took him food regularly so after several weeks living in fear and starvation in the attic he came down. We tried a few times to get him to come down with a box but he would just claw and hiss so I think my parent's logic was they wanted him down and he would come down when he was hungry. What saddens me is he lost all of his fat and had shrunk 3x his normal size when we finally saw him walk into the living room. He was unrecognizable and it was our fault.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.