Losing Everything
In 2009 when I was 16 years old my mother, father, sister, and I were evicted from the home we grew up in. We were behind on all bills so even before we got kicked out we had our utilities shut off several times, phones shut off, cars repossessed, and everything that required money was not taken care for. There was a pipe leak in one of our bathrooms so we had to manually go outside to turn the water on and off any time one of us needed to shower or get water. Things were not going well and unfortunately would slowly get worse and worse.
My parents were never honest with me so I don't know how we lost all of our money given we owned a hardware store, three vehicles and had added onto our house twice. When thinking back it was likely my brother that was most to blame. Once my brother graduated high school my parents paid for him to attend an acting school in New York city so that was probably all the savings my family had left but Bryce didn't care about us, only himself. The next year in 2010 after my parents had paid for a year of school, rent and all bills for him they didn't have any money left to allow him to continue in New York, and so he returned to Oakridge after one semester. He always was mad at my parents saying that they ruined his future and life when they did all they could for him. 2010 was also the year my mother was diagnosed with cancer and my father had been unable to work because of years of alcohol abuse so we became homeless for the 1st time. Bryce wasn't present during the times we struggled most, it was myself and my sister that were exposed to abject poverty while he moved to Arkansas leaving his family behind.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.