Father DUI and Money

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Father DUI and Money

Over the course of my childhood my father would go to jail at least three times for driving while under the influence. Every time my mother would have to bail him out immediately, but I don't think she had the money to get him out the third time and likely had to borrow money from her parents, my grandparents. I think over the years my mother asked them for money repeatedly because she refused to live within her means and my father was never a provider for her. They were always broke, at least in my youth they were.

I remember when I was maybe 4-5 years old when I was in the kitchen and I heard my dad ask my mother for money and she said "I'm broke." Me as a good willed child went to my room and got the something like $70 I had saved over the summer and been gifted, pretty much my life savings at that point and returned to my parents and gave the money to them. They asked "why?" and I replied "because you said you were broke." They must have been in a difficult situation to have their youngest child offer all of his money to them and for them to willingly accept it.

Anyways aside from driving drunk all of the time one of the most embarrassing side effects of years or more so daily use of alcohol and quitting is that it causes you to go to the bathroom on yourself. At least three times in my life I would watch my dad come home in completely soiled pants, but even subjecting your five-year-old son to that wasn't enough to get him to stop or at least cut back.

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