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When we all arrived in the arbitration room a month after Jane's passing in May of 2023 to discuss distribution of inheritance, my sister and I were in dress clothes while my brother had a wrinkled single shirt and jeans. We were going into a process where how you present yourself is an affected variable, to which we had to show our character to the retired judge and how seriously we are taking this matter through the time we took to dress formally.

My sister and I arrived first with our lawyer then when my brother walked in he seemed somewhat off. He sat at the table across from us alongside his lawyer. The goal of that arbitration was to establish plans moving forward but my brother took it upon himself to target my sister and bring up the same non-existent charges. I'm not sure why, but Bryce somehow believes my sister had a secret credit card in our grandmother's name that gave her access to all funds, and she spent over $120,000 on herself. I have seen the documentation of all transactions from my grandmother's account and there is one charge for a coffee the rest of the money was equally distributed then reinvested.

As we progressed perhaps a minute to two minutes into the process I got an inner vibe that my brother is not all there mentally. I believe genetics has a small component, more so it is 20 years of alcohol abuse that has warped his cognition and understanding of fact vs fiction. As I've made known I spent three months in Ohio State Hospital which consisted of living with varying levels of dysfunctional operations in patients. I state this to show I am credible and qualified in my assessment of my brother that he belongs in a place like that. He was no different during arbitration than someone in OSH and even my sister could see how his mind is gone. Literally Bryce wants all of the inheritance for himself which isn't going to happen, then years down the line he's going to be getting drunk on his couch telling my niece and nephew how my sister and I screwed him and his family over, it's delusion by definition.

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