I met Jeff in elementary school but didn't really get to know him all that well, he was a friend of a friend. As the years passed I would passively hang out with him, mostly because his older brother Tyler helped me out tremendously during my youth. Anyways Jeff had gone through a lot of trauma, I don't know specifics but an abusive stepfather was a component. As a result, he turned to drugs along with Charlie. They both began smoking weed in their early teens which I believe contributed to Charlie's lack of maturity development, and Jeff's mental health crisis'. One notable thing about Jeff was that he was big into other drugs, not just weed but stimulants. He had a script for something like 1800mg of Adderall a month if not more, and he would eventually turn to selling to me for weed, and abusing them on a daily basis.
One of the best times though was when I guess he didn't have any money for bud or a ride to get to me, but he Adderall and I was a dealer that delivered to my clients, so I took him $20 worth of bud for a trade for a generous amount of Adderall. It helped us both out because I would save them and take them to help with school, and he got to have bud delivered to him no charge.
After college years went by, I think he was depressed that he didn't get into college and had no plan for his life, so he turned into harder drugs, most notably meth. There was a point in time where I was dying for an Adderall or Ritalin and he offered meth which I sad to say considered it for half a second, but decided not to given the results it had had on Jeff and the potential withdrawals.
In his 30's now I believe he is working to turn his life around, doing basic activities like working out and socially playing video games. He is a good guy, he just went through a hell of a traumatic childhood and used too many drugs to cope.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.