Men Are Trash
When I arrived back in Oakridge in 2013 or 2014 when Cory and Damien were living at Grandview Park Neither Cory nor Damien had to pay their own rent, their families did, so they ended up as roommates in a very expensive apartment unit. It was this apartment that Damien had that is the reason why people hung around him. We all grew to hate him over time because he was such an asshole. I have no idea how we remained friends as long as we did, and I am very grateful now I never have to talk to him or see him again in this life.
Anyways when I got back it had been about one day whenever everyone, Liem, Chris, Cory, Damien, and myself were all in the living room. They were all happy to see me, but there was one subject that repulsed me. At some point in the group conversation they told me the term that the four of them had come up with while I was in Bennington Arkansas for the summer. This was early August whenever I returned so school was about to begin.
So in the living room they started talking about sex with the girls they knew and told me their term for whenever a guy sleeps with the same girl as "wiener cousins." This terminology and the subject of the conversation made me angry and I had nothing to say to add to the discussion. This term and the behavior of these four guys are the reason why women see all men as being assholes. Any time sex talk came up in conversation I just remained silent if I had to stay there, but most of the time I would just leave and go back to the dorms.
I don't know why I kept these people as friends in my youth, they were not honorable moral respectable men. They were little boys obsessed with sex and couldn't talk about it enough with each other.

Searching for the Answer
Документальная прозаThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.