I first met Molly, my brother's dog in 2016 when I visited Bennington for my grandfather's funeral and was staying with him. Molly was a pit-bull boxer mix that was a little bit bigger than an average dog, probably weighed 70-80 lbs. The reason why my brother adopted Molly was because he wanted a larger dog that could defend him and his family in case of an intruder or accident. Thing is they barely had a backyard at Oversight and neither my brother nor Cynthia ever took Molly for a walk. She was kept in a small crate all day and was never given the joy of getting to run at full speed, or just run in general which is what she desired and did when I would walk her. The entire months I spent with my brother I not once saw any member of his family pet Molly other than me. The way she reacted towards me whenever she would see me and other visitors was characteristic of a neglected dog. She would get very excited and would just keep licking you, jumping on you trying to get some attention. I having a heart couldn't let a medium size dog sit in a crate all day and never given the chance to exercise. Every time when I took her for a walk I had to stop as soon as we got outside and pet her for a couple of minutes to get her to calm down. She was so happy to be outside and be with me she wanted to thank me and show how grateful she was. Anyways I didn't walk Molly in the week I spent in Bennington at my grandfather's funeral, but in 2017-2018 I moved in for half a year and literally every night by dusk I would take Molly on a two mile walk. She loved doing this not just for the walk, but for attention she would get during so. This routine is something that Molly loved and she kept track of time to when she was ready to talk her evening walk with me she would whine outside my bedroom door. She would even choose going for a walk over eating her dinner, and so I took her every day, every opportunity when I would visit, and just in general when I could. I didn't enjoy it at all, but it is something I did because I cared for her.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.