Disney World Sister Tooth Ache
When my family visited Disney world in 2003 my sister had a very painful tooth ache develop whenever we arrived in Florida via plane. This was just another instance of my parents not doing their job in providing adequate hygiene and care of teeth into consideration.
Anyways she was in a lot of pain and the only solution my parents came up with was to buy some alcohol and hold a rag damped by the alcohol against her infected tooth. What hurts me to this day is my treatment of my sister during that trip. I would make jokes that "you're an alcoholic" and shame her for trying to use the only thing available to alleviate the intense discomfort. We were all so mean to her, which I can perhaps understand my treatment of her being the youngest child and being taught everything by my family. I wish we could have just been more caring, considerate, and loving towards each other. It's like five people that hate each other living on their own, we just happened to stay in the same house. It wasn't a loving family by any means, and it pains me Sam for how I treated you.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.