Final Moments at Northwest
Before I moved in with Carleton and his mom there was a lasting incident that truly drove me to the point of leaving my family. One day, I think this was already after the police posted on the door that we were evicted or faced jail, understandably my father was going through a mental breakdown. He thought for some reason I was the enemy and when we only had one car available he went so far as to reach through the Pontiac window to open the hood of the car which he then proceeded to disconnect the battery. I knew nothing about cars at this time, and my father kept repeating "I'll never tell you which wires I cut." I don't exactly remember why I needed the car, but I told him the logic that he needed the car for work in the morning so why destroy it. He wouldn't listen and so I called my mother who was still at work, working over-time in the library with detention students, and told her what was going on. I was so mad at dealing with these people that just wanted to hurt me and take away anything and everything I had. Eventually my mother came home and we got the battery reconnected and after that I was able to calm down, however the damage of my father's delusion had already been done.
I try to also think about it from my mother's perspective. She had been given 6 months left to live at this point and she had to endure the suffering of cancer while working 3 jobs and be subjected to her family becoming homeless and falling art.
After the police stopped by positing the eviction or face jail my mother panicked. There was no planning done to avoid this because she was consumed by work and fucking dying of cancer, there was no time. As a result we asked the neighbor if we could pile some of our belongings against their house so they wouldn't be inside the home and taken away and we ended up with a very large extending pile from their house to the property line. I didn't get clarification but Northwest was when we lost all of our remaining worldly possessions. A lifetime of memories, slowly taken away.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.