Bryce is not a Man
In my years knowing my brother and seeing his actions whenever I lived with him in 2018 I can attest that he is no man, father, brother, or husband to his family. In my time living with him when Tommy was three to four years old I not once saw my brother set him down and teach him lessons on life and or educated him in any way. He is the spitting image of my father in that all he does is go to work, come home, and drink 10 beers with shots of fireball while he sits in the living room watching tv with his wife he pressures to drink. Neither parent spent any time in the evenings with their kids and it was only my brother's wife that looked after them during the day. Bryce will complain that his life is too hard for him to do anything else, but take into consideration he dropped out of four different colleges and couldn't get into Ohio ST so who's fault is that?
I say Bryce is no father because of the aforementioned. He was also an inconsiderate dog owner in that he never took his dog a boxer pit-bull mix probably 80 pounds, for a walk once. He put her in a crate all day and whenever I would visit him in 2019 Molly would act like a dog that has been neglected, which she was being by my brother.
Bryce is also no husband in that he neglected his wife and not once asked her how her day was going, or how she felt, he just ignored her while getting drunk. This is supposed to be the most important woman in his life, a woman he would do anything for despite the sacrifice on his part, but yet he treats her like she is nothing to the degree Cynthia told my sister "it's like I'm a single parent".
Finally, he is no brother. I've written it before, but in my youth Bryce just bullied me and treated me like I was a dog. He took advantage of me financially and morally my entire childhood, but that is not the worst of it. He used his grandmother's money to sue his two siblings to try and get the full control of a three way divided trust. My sister and I have done nothing but help him in our later years of life prior to starting the lawsuit yet he doesn't acknowledge or care. My sister sent him money during Covid, gave him disbursements, a thousand-dollar check, and bought his son, our nephew, a switch. Sam has been more considerate and helpful to Bryce and his family than he himself.
As for not being a man by the aforementioned, whenever I lived with him and the year after before I moved to Rochester to attend Ohio ST, I did everything a man is supposed to do in his household. I changed his tires three times, replaced his doorknobs and three different doors, I mowed his lawn every two weeks and took care of excessive overgrowth that grew into the neighbor's yard to the degree the nieghbor constantly complained to my brother. I gave his wife $40 on every holiday and his children $20. I built his weight room equipment with nuts, bolts, and a couple wrenches. I walked his dog every single day. Everything that a man of a household should do.
Bryce Greenwelle is no husband, father, or brother and by definition, not a man. He only cares about himself and money to the degree he has no feeling about the moral pathway to take. He ignores his kids and wife then sues his brother and sister. I don't know if karma exists in this life or the next, but I can't imagine the outlook of his life being anything but pain with deep malevolence, at least that is the minimum he deserves.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.