Tyler and Jordan
In 2015 my roommate and myself were avid cannabis smokers which I found out the first day we met when we hit each other up, he asked if I was going to be there to set-up and meet and I was responded "Yeah, I'll be back later, I'm smoking with my friends right now."
Tyler introduced me to Jordan my primary first supplier. I gave Jordan something like $550 to buy 2 ounces for me to begin my selling cannabis. He was much more on par in the game so I didn't even ask him, but he offered me to hold an ounce of molly as insurance to make sure he wasn't going to run off with my money. He made the comment casually not to take any that "I have it measured down to 1/10th of a gram." Which was fine with me, at that time all I did was smoke weed, so it stayed in my locked cabinet until a few days later where Jason, Tyler and I all go together and I traded him the ounce back for 2 ounces of weed.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.