Bryce Greenwelle

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Bryce Greenwelle was born April 23rd 1986 to Jonathan and Melissa Greenwelle. He grew up as the oldest of us three children and was expected to carry on the Greenwelle name, make it known for something substantial. This never happened. There was constant pressure on him to succeed, at least from what I gathered from the treatment of myself by our parents. It harkens back to where I was expected to get straight A's or else be punished.

My father spent more time with Bryce in his youth because he himself was younger and not so severely riddled with health problems. He would throw the baseball every night with him while I sat on the edge of the car with my glove watching them throw. When they were done I asked my father to throw with me and he said "I'm too tired." Which I can understand, so my mother in an attempt to rectify this came outside to throw the ball with me.

Flash forward 15 years and brother has essentially beome Jonathan. He takes after my father in just about every way. The alcohol abuse, tobacco dip, the delusions, the deep set resentment towards anyone doing better than himself. I've stated before, my brother was the number 1 guy at the private school he went to in regards to sports and popularity. He not only had his own car, but a $50,000 one at that. This is a perfect additive to the fact my brother peaked in high school, and years down the road in Arkansas he is still chasing his glory days.

When we would go to the movies he would try and enforce his dominance by taking up both arm rests, not letting you have one. I don't understand my brother's ego, probably beaten into him by our parents, but even so, my sister and I came out of our childhood changed and truly caring individuals.

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