Drug Dealer
In 2014 at the age of 19 my sophomore year at ST I became a legitimate drug dealer for the first time in my life. It started with weed that I would do mostly deliveries to my friends where I would go over to their place to deliver a gram or an eighth or so and I would offer my bud to smoke with them so they didn't have to smoke any of the bud they paid for, it was on me. It was good times because I got to just smoke and chill with my friends all day every day while making money driving a bmw. I would still go to class but I would be high and not really take any of the information in, was just there for the attendance grade. This was only do-able the first two years at ST because those are the basics everyone requires. After you get to your junior year you have small classes specific to your major. That being the system caused me to spend years to accomplish my junior year at ST, eventually leading me to fail out.
Anyways going back to my daily routine in 2014. The main system was I had several friends prescribed Adderall that I would trade them weed for and use one or two to learn an entire month's material in two days followed by one for the test. This is how I approached every subject and my grades never dropped below a B the first two years. In fact, I got a low B in economics my sophomore year and only attended class the first day and the days of the tests, I had studied enough in high school to accomplish this.
I didn't learn while in class because of the schools I grew up attending you had to be focused on being safe and not getting beat up or stabbed, not what the lesson of the day was. I would spend the entire time at school, referencing high school, not paying any attention to the lesson overwhelmed feeling just anxious and unsafe. When the bell would ring for you to walk to your next class it was like a warzone avoiding all the bullies and people that had nothing to lose and would hurt you for absolutely no reason. Sometimes me being white was reason enough for kids of color which were the majority at my schools to bully me. So I developed a habit of learning from reading on my own. This required studying about 7 hours a day outside of the normal school schedule, but I didn't have a choice due to my mother's threats of harm if I had low grades and I knew the only way I could get away from my family was to get into college and attain scholarships, which I did.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.