Now let me tell you all of the things I did for my brother before he decided to sue me and my sister for control over my grandmother's money. When I was debating moving to Arkansas I called my brother with the original intent to live with my grandmother. He is 7 years older so I thought I could trust his decision making when he told me I should move in with him instead. This was a manipulative ploy to try and get my disability income to pay his bills.
To this day Bryce believes any money I get is his. This goes back to childhood and as the years passed his mentality and approach never changed.
Only at the age of 30 have I taken action to not be controlled by him. Ever since the lawsuit he started I have refused to speak to him. After 1.5 years of not responding to him I gave him a chance to have me back in his life.
When I went to visit my grandmother at Comfort Care I saw a family photo of my brother, his wife Cynthia, and my niece and nephew and as I gazed on the image I felt guilt for ceasing all contact with him. I was in a state of confliction so I hit up my friend Cory asking him what I should do, that I saw myself as the bad guy in this scenario. Cory suggested I talk to Bryce again and apologize for not answering his call or texts, so after I was done feeding and visiting my grandmother I went to the liquor store to buy him a bottle of Fireball, his favorite whiskey.
I continued on to my brother's home with the Fireball and as I was driving towards his house he and my sister-in law had just left and so we passed each other on my way there. Originally I was just going to text him and drop it off on his porch but they swung around and as I was texting my brother he came up to my passenger side window, so I rolled it down, offered the Fireball as a "peace offering." When I asked him why he wouldn't allow us to move granny he argued that she was in her late eighties and she wasn't going to get any better so leave her at Comfort Care.
That was foolish and the wrong approach. Yes, I know she isn't going to get better, but in her final years she should be at a 5-star facility living a life of luxury not torment in accompanied by social isolation. I felt guilt and I began to tear up as I told him how bad I felt for not talking to him for several years, that was exactly what he wanted. After a short discussion he said he accepted the peace offering and we went about our ways.
I informed my brother that our grandmother had a doctor appointment the following week to which he decided to attend. He showed up late of course and was no help because he barely visited her so didn't know what she was going through and made no effort to understand, he was just there to play a role. At the end of the appointment I wheeled granny outside to wait for her ride, the weather was nice. After her transportation arrived my brother had one last statement to say to me. I told him "I'm sorry," to which he responded "you have to show Cynthia and myself you are sorry through action and maybe eventually we can be on good terms again."
When I told my sister that he was at the doc appointment and we talked she got mad at me and didn't talk to me for 3 days. I guess she felt betrayed because of how hellish Bryce has made our lives and most important his own grandmother's life as she was in a state of being non-communicability.
My second semester at Ohio St when I officially moved from Bennington to Rochester I would receive a call from my sister saying the all familiar saying in my family "you won't believe this." My brother had hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against me and her for control over my grandmother's million-dollar trust. When my grandmother and grandfather were competent they originally only left money in an inheritance to my sister, she was supposed to receive all of it, but my grandmother amended it after my grandfather died to where all three grandchildren receive the inheritance. This was a mistake that would give Bryce the chance to essentially ruin all of our lives.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.