Bryce Drunk Ativan Granny
When I was living with my grandmother and assisting with her care there was one night where my older brother Bryce once again wasn't there for us when we needed him.
One day my grandmother was in the living room watching television and breathing hard. She told me "I can't catch my breath," and so I called 911 thinking it was something serious. They took her to the hospital as I followed behind and once there they began testing to determine the root cause. After basic tests they found nothing wrong with my grandmother physically stating it was psychological and so she was quickly discharged and I brought her back home. After that event I scheduled her to see her primary doctor after the ER visit per usual which was for the best, but the medication they gave her made it somewhat the worst.
The doctor prescribed my grandmother two Ativan per day as needed, I'm not sure the dose, but the first night before I was in charge of splitting up her meds into a plastic separator she followed the instructions on the bottle that said take two. The result is my grandmother was essentially drunk. She was laying on the couch when I tried to get her to eat the food I picked up and she tried drinking a cup with the lid still on it. Next she told me she had to go to the bathroom, which was not good given she weighed 30 pounds more than me. This is when I called my brother explaining the situation and that I needed him here at Grand to help me get granny to the bathroom, and his response was "I have the kids to look after." This was in the evening and my brother starts drinking before the sun goes down so realistically the problem was he was too drunk to drive and help. She managed to get into her bedroom on her own and with my help got into bed. I figured she was ok and that by the time the Ativan wore off then, she could go the bathroom, but that's not what happened. I left the room for a minute and when I came back she was on the floor trying to crawl and she had wet her pants.
I called my brother again and explained what had happened and he asked "what do you want me to do about it?" I told him, you need to send Cynthia or another female to come change granny's clothes. Cynthia was at a theater show and pregnant and even so she came to Grand. With each of us under an armpit we transferred my grandmother to the bathroom and toilet where she went. I went outside while Cynthia picked out pajamas for her to wear, dressed her and we put her back into her bed. It wasn't Granny's fault she was just following orders her doctor gave her.

Searching for the Answer
SaggisticaThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.