Car Broke Down
After making several trips from Rochester to Bennington in the Rav4 it needed shocks and struts replaced to where it wasn't extremely dangerous but stopping distance was impacted. The cost for these repairs was in the range of over $2000 which I didn't have at the time. Instead my sister scheduled me to have the work done at a smaller mechanic at half the cost which was a huge mistake. He spent the whole day from 8:00am to 5:00pm working on it and did one of the worst jobs possible. Months later the car began really having trouble maintaining lane and would lose traction easily to where I had to take it into the dealership to get it assessed. Apparently the mechanic had clipped a sensor wire, didn't use a washer on one of the bolts, and used the wrong sized bolt on one the components. This caused further damage to now the bill was over $2500 closer to $3500 to get the car functional again. This was money I didn't have but the trust however did.
Prior to my brother starting the lawsuit it would have been a simple disbursement. All three grandchildren get up to $3500 each to go towards their vehicles or any other bills. After the lawsuit Bryce actively fought against such an action thinking that it would be less money for him to inherit given his mission in life is to get all of the inheritance and leave none for me and my sister. This was a selfish and foolish move that not only hurt myself fairly bad, but ruined my grandmother's final days.
Whenever I received the first Covid vaccination my face swelled up and swallowing was difficult so I refused to get another shot out of safety vs risk. My sister using this logic thought it was a genetic component and that it would be unwise to give an 87-year-old woman a vaccine that could have seriously damaged her grandson. When she refused to allow Jane the booster shot the nursing home had to evict her, which ended up with my sister and I moving her to a facility in Arkansas City. The general notion I was going to move to Arkansas City, but I literally had no money to do so, and prior to me making this plan the Rav 4 was functional. Anyways not having a working vehicle or a way to make the money for repairs I was confined to Rochester. See if Bryce actually cared he would have gladly allowed for a disbursement, but because he didn't for a couple months Jane was there alone suffering. The only upside is by her final 2 weeks we got her moved to Rochester where I visited all day every day until she passed peacefully.

Searching for the Answer
Non-FictionThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.