Roosevelt Latin Kings
When I entered sixth grade at Roosevelt Middle School we were selected as a school to trial laptops integrated into the learning system. Every attending student received an apple laptop that of course was imbedded with security plates so that they couldn't be pawned or sold which I'm sure the majority of the kids at the school would have done.
This is relevant because in the mornings if you arrived to school early then you had to be seated in the gym. One side was for 6th and 7th graders and the other was for 8th graders. As you might have guessed everyone in the gyms in the mornings were playing music and videogames to which I joined in. The most popular game at the time was Unreal Tournament and we would play it every morning, we being myself and other students, primarily Hispanics. A function of the game was that you could select your character name and I went with Eminem because he was my favorite rapper and kind of connected me to the bridge of acceptance. In 7th grade we still played the same game in the mornings and sat in the samee spots as 6th grade. I sat with all Hispanics, given there weren't enough white people to sit with them and all of the black kids sat together and hated whites, it literally was reverse racism that the teachers allowed. Anyways I don't want to boast my school was gang ridden, but shortly after beginning the year I kept the name Eminem, but all the Hispanic put King before their character name, symbolizing the Latin Kings. Literally every character but mine in the game had King before it, and then there was me, the one white kid named Eminem.

Searching for the Answer
SachbücherThis is a compilation of stories involving childhood abuse and trauma through a first-person impactful perspective mostly chronological. It is my story and is not fabricated in any way. I am posting just to get feedback thank you.