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Mr. and Mrs. Xiao have been hardworking individuals since university, where they took on various side jobs to support themselves. Their dedication and perseverance paid off. After graduating, it didn't take them long to succeed financially and establish their own multimillionaire communication company.

Despite Mr. Xiao's affluent background, he did not rely on his father's wealth to guarantee his success. Instead, he and his wife relied on their efforts and abilities to build their prosperous business empire. Their story is a testament to the power of diligent work, determination, and pursuit of one's dreams, independent of external support.

However, when Mr. Xiao's father was admitted to the hospital because of a life-threatening illness, his desperate children fight for his property while he was still alive. This put a strain on the entire family, and while Mr. and Mrs. Xiao maintained their hardworking attitude, they faced the arduous task of managing their business and attending to their father's affairs at the same time.

On his dying bed, Mr. Xiao's father told his children to move into his estate, each with their own house and a position in the company. He also advised them to strive to continue his legacy and uphold his values.

After their father's burial, all of his children moved into their homes. They meticulously constructed and furnished these buildings in the same way. This ensured that no one could claim that their living quarters were superior or different from the others.

This decision was made to promote equality and unity among siblings. By residing in identical buildings, they hoped to eliminate any potential arguments or jealousy arising from disparities in their living conditions.

The builders constructed each building to the same specifications, with matching architectural styles and layouts. The structures looked identical, with similar color schemes and materials used. This uniformity further highlighted the notion that no one sibling was favored over the others.

Inside, the interiors boast identical floor plans and designs. The rooms had an identical floor plan and design, ensuring equal access to amenities and living spaces. The selection of furniture and decor was done carefully to match, creating a cohesive and harmonious atmosphere.

Mr. Xiao, however, did not work in his father's company since he had his own.

After five years of marriage, Mr. Xiao and his wife were delighted to announce to the family that they were expecting a child.

However, when the news was announced, Mr. Xiao's older brother was unhappy. He had already assumed that Mr. Xiao would never have a child. He also assumed he could take over the company after his brother died.

The brothers accused Mrs. Xiao of having an affair and marrying Mr. Xiao for his wealth. A rift between the two brothers turned into a family feud on the once peaceful estate.

When their mother found out what was happening, she knew exactly what her sons were capable of. She warned Mr. Xiao to be careful and stay away from his brothers, or they would kill him. She pleaded with them to put aside their differences and find a way to resolve their disagreements without violence.

Nine months after their joyful announcement, the long-awaited day finally arrived for the couple. With hearts filled with anticipation and excitement, they headed to the hospital, ready to welcome their precious bundle of joy into the world. As they entered the hospital, the air was filled with joy and celebration. Family members and friends had come together to support and congratulate the couple on this momentous occasion.

In the delivery room, the couple's love and anticipation grew stronger with each passing moment. A group of knowledgeable professionals surround the expectant mother as she prepares to give birth. The father, standing by her side, offered comfort and encouragement. His excitement was palpable.

Finally, after hours of labor, a newborn's cry filled the room. A wave of relief and overwhelming love washed over the couple as they laid eyes on their precious baby for the first time. Tears of joy streamed down their faces, mirroring the tears of happiness shed by those who had gathered to share in this special moment.

Warm smiles and heartfelt congratulations were exchanged as loved ones surrounded the couple when they were transferred to their ward, their eyes shining with happiness.

Mrs. Xiao's dad and Mr. Xiao's mom, beaming with pride, embraced their children, expressing their joy and excitement. Siblings eagerly awaited their infant niece or nephew, their faces brimming with curiosity and wonder.

Mr. Xiao's mother could not contain her joy as she cradled the baby in her lap. Overwhelmed with admiration, she exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, she is absolutely beautiful! I think I will call her Mama," she said, her eyes affectionately fixed on her son- and daughter-in-law.

Mr. Xiao was confused why his mother assumed the baby was a girl without asking. He knew his mother wanted a granddaughter, but he was still surprised by her assumption.

Mr. Xiao was about to speak up and correct his mother when his wife squeezed his arm. His mother gave him a stern look that made him silent.

Laughing awkwardly, Mr. Xiao said, "Mother, I know you have grown-up granddaughters, but please don't hoard ours!"

Mr. Xiao's brothers looked at each other, relieved that a girl had been born, and not a boy who would grow up to take over his father's company.

Their mother smiled, relieved that her children were satisfied with the baby's gender. However, she knew they would have to think of a plan for when the baby grew up.

Three years had passed since the brothers took over the company, but things were not progressing well. The brothers struggled with the demands and responsibilities of their newly appointed positions. Their reckless spending habits and lack of business acumen affected a toll on the company's financial stability and overall performance. In stark contrast to the brothers' struggles, Mr. Xiao's company thrived. He took a very different approach to managing the company. He was prudent in his spending and focused on educating himself and his staff on business basics. He was also mindful of the fact that if he wanted his company to remain competitive; he had to constantly innovate and introduce new products and services. As a result, his company flourished and boomed.

A year later, Mr. Xiao had grown tired of loaning his brother's money to keep the company afloat. He told them that they needed to find something else to do and that he was no longer willing to bail them out.

A few months later, tragedy struck as Mr. Xiao met his untimely demise. The circumstances of his death remained mysterious, leaving everyone perplexed and searching for answers. While the exact details of the incident remained elusive, one thing was certain: suspicions pointed toward one of his brothers. The question of how it happened continued to haunt Mrs. Xiao, forever leaving a lingering sense of uncertainty and sorrow.

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