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Steve and his own group of soliers have been fighting many battles against Hydra over the past few days. Kiara and Steve haven't told anyone they kissed because they want everyone to focus on the job first. The congrats, scoldings and jelous looks can come later.

Right now? Right now they're waiting on an important train to drive by. Zola, the Red Skull's private scientist, doctor, whatever you wanna call him, is on that train.

'Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?' Bucky asks.

'Yeah, and I threw up?'

'This isn't payback, is it?'

'Now why would I do that?'

'We were right, Dr. Zola's on the train.'

Steve, Kiara and Bucky all turn around.

'Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad.'

'Let' get going, because they're moving like the devil.'

'We only got about a 10-second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield.' Steve says.

'Mind the gap.' Someone jokes.

'Better get moving, bugs!'

Everyone ends up on the train one by one with the help of the zip line that runs above the train rails.

Steve and Bucky find their way in while Kiara waits on the train. But after a few minutes she gets trouble, too. A man with heavy armor comes outside and starts to fire at her with these high-tech weapons Hydra makes with the Tesseract.

Kiara lands some pretty good punches, but it does nothing to him because of his heavy armor. Then a hole is blown in the train which takes Kiara off guard.

The man grabs her by her neck and holds her over the cliff, but he doesn't let go for some reason.

'Where is the Captain?' He asks in a heavy voice.

'Not gonna tell you.' Kiara says with struggeld breaths.

Then Bucky hangs on just a steel thing as Steve comes outside and sees that the two people he cares about the most are in danger.


'It's your choice, Captain. It's either her. . . or him. But, decide fast, because the time is ticking.'

'It's okay, Steve.' Kiara says hoarsily. 'Save him.'

'I don't wanna lose you.' Steve says while tears are escaping his eyes.

'Time's almost up, Captain.'

'Win this war.'

Then Kiara kicks herself off the man and falls down more and more.


'It seems like the choice is made for you.' The man says and then he walks away.

'Hang on, Bucky!' Steve says, not wanting to lose him, too. 'Grab my hand! I Can't lose you, too!'

Then the steel thing breaks off and Bucky falls the same way Kiara did.

Steve can't do anything but cry as they both dissapear and the train drives further to it's location.

Steve and the others walk into the SSR facility with Zola. But, everyone notices that the group has returned with two less persons.

'What happend? Where is Bucky? And where is Kiara?' Peggy asks, afraid for the answer.

'She's gone. They both are.' Steve says with a shaky voice.

'No.' Peggy whispers as she drops to the ground.

'I am so sorry, Peggy.' Steve says as she gives her a hug. 'But I promise you, I will avenge them.'

After what it feels like a long time, Steve wakes up in a not too big of a room.

He slowly sits up and tries to figure out where he exactly is and how he got here. Then a brown haired woman walks into the room with a smile on her face.

'Good morning.' She says as she closes the door. 'Or should I say afternoon.' She corrects after she looked at her watch.

'Where am I?' Steve asks.

'You're in a recovery room in New York City.'

There is a silence as Steve listens to what the man on the radio says.

'Where am I really?'

'I'm afraid I don't understand.'

'The game. It's from May 1941. I know, 'cause I was there.'

Steve stands up slowly, never losing eye contact with the brown haired woman.

'Now, I'm going to ask you again. Where am I?'

'Captain Rogers. . .'

'Who are you?'

Then two guards walk into the room, probaly called by her. Steve takes a step back.

Then he throws the guards through a wall, he jumps over them and runs out of the building as fast as he can.

He runs through the streets of New York City until he gets stopped by cars coming into his way.

'At ease, soldier!' A man says.

Steve turns around and sees a man in black clothes and one eye is coverd. The man walks a bit closer to Steve.

'Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you slowly.'

'Break what?' Steve asks, totally confused about all of this.

'You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years.'

Steve looks around him, taking in the news that he just slept for almost 70 years.

'You gonna be okay?'

'Yeah. Yeah, I just. . . I was supposed to be somewhere.'

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now