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Steve, Kiara, Sam and Sitwell are all sitting in a car while they drive on the free way.

'Hydra doesn't like leaks.' Sitwell warns.

'Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?' Sam says which makes Kiara smirk.

'Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little bit close here.' Kiara says.

'I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly.' Steve explains.

'What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea.' Sitwell says.

Then they hear a thud on the car roof, then a metal arm goes trough the window, grabs Sitwell, and thorws him on the street. And Kiara knows the last person she wanted to face is standing on the car roof.

He tries to shoot Kiara but she quikly moves to Steve's lap. She pulls his head down so he's protected. Steve pulls on the handbrake, and the car stops within a second. They see the Winter Soldier on the road.

Before anyone can do anything, a car crashes against them from behind, probaly Hydra scums too. The Winter Soldier jumps on their roof while Sam is trying to hit the breaks, seeing if it would help.

TWS smashes trough the front window and tears out the weel, also throwing it on the street.

'Shit!' Sam yells.

Kiara uses her gun to try and shoot him, but she has no luck. The car behind them crashes a second time against the back and since they have no weel anymore, they can't do anything.

'Hang on!' Steve yells.

They all slide on the road. Sam lets go earlier and Steve and Kiara are panting. TWS shoots something at them, Steve pushes Kiara out of the way and takes the hit. He blasted from the bridge.

The Hydra agents begin to shoot at Kiara and Sam so they both are getting behind cars that people left on the road.
Kiara blasts a few agents out of the way but it doesn't help anything.

Then TWS shoots one of those bombs again, this time, at Kiara. She quikly goes to the other side of the bridge and is trying to avoid the bullets and cars that are coming her way.

She gets behind the car but TWS shoots at the car and blasts Kiara off the bridge. But she uses her power to land safely and then she starts to run.

She sees the shadow of TWS so she speeds up a little, knowing she's about to avoid bullets again. Then she blasts him out of suprise which makes him hide behind the bridge.

After a few seconds he starts to shoot again. Hard. Kiara does her best to try and hit him with bullets. But she knows she can't hit him like this so she starts to run again.

Kiara hides, she's truly scared this time. This man is capable of anything. So she left a recording message of her, hoping he takes to bait so she can take him by suprise.

As it looks like now, he takes the bait, but, Kiara waits a little longer, see if he's really falling for this.

When the car explodes, Kiara makes the move that she learns in the Red Room. But he throws her off him, against a car.

He's about to shoot her, but, Kiara takes something from her pocket and throws it on his metal arm. It makes his arm heavy. Then Kiara starts running for her life.

While she runs, she yells a few times, "Get out of the way!" Or, "Stay out of the way!" Because Kiara knows that that thing isn't gonna work for long. But then all sudden, she gets shot, probaly by TWS.

Kiara quikly hides behind a car and puts her hand on the shot wound. He's about to shoot a bomb at her again but Steve comes running towards him and starts fighting him. And then she passes out from everything that happend.

Kiara faintly hears, "Bucky?" When she regains some conscience again after a while.

'Who the hell is Bucky?'

Then Sam comes flying in, giving him a kick. TWS is about to shoot Steve, Kiara uses his gun and shoots a bomb at TWS.

Then S.H.I.E.L.D. arrives. A dozen agents steps out and are yelling, 'Get on your knees!'

The trio does as the agents say and they all get on their knees.


'It was him.' Steve says. 'He looked right at me like he didn't even know me.'

'How is that even possible? It was, like, 70 years ago.' Sam says.

Kiara starts to feel more lightheaded.

'Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and . . .'

'None of that's your fault, Steve.' Kiara says, feeling like she's gonna puke or pass out, or both.

'Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.'

Kiara throws her head back in pain, the wounds hurt like hell.

Sam notices this and says, 'We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on those wounds, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck.'

Steve notices only now in how much pain she is. And how many wounds she has, including bruises on her arms. But one of the agents grabs a electric stick and holds it out for Sam, as a warning.

But then the agent electrocutes the other agent. Then the agent takes the helmet of and Maria's face appears.

'That thing was squeezing my brain.'

'Maria.' Kiara mumbels soft.

Maria releases Steve from his cuffs and he quickly kneels down in front of Kiara and uses his pure strenght to release her from her cuffs. He sits down next to her and pulls her into his body.

'Hold on, Kie.' He begs. 'Please.' He pleads.

'Who's this guy?'

'He's the falcon.' Kiara says weakly.

Maria uses a laser to make a hole in the truck as Steve carefully picks Kiara up, bridal style as Maria releases Sam from his cuffs, too.

They get out of the truck and they see a another car waiting on the side of the road.

'Get in.' Maria says to the three of them.

They do as Maria says and get in. Steve carefully puts Kiara down in one of the car seats and sits down next to her. Kiara already passed out from exhausting. But luckily, she still has a pulse.

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