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'You need to come with me.' Bucky says quickly.

'What are you doing here?' Kiara asks, still completely suprised to see him here in front of here.

'I'll explain everything. Just please come with me.' Bucky says.

'Get in.' Kiara says, pointing to her car.

After a very hurried drive to Kiara's place, they both get out and get into the little house. Kiara sets the bag with stuff from the store on the counter after she locked her door.

'Now do you wanna tell me what the hell is going on here, James.' Kiara says as she turns to Bucky.

'First of all, nice to see you, too.' Bucky says sarcastic.

'James.' Kiara warns.

'Okay.' Bucky says as he sits down. 'Those two woman who where running towards you?'

'Yeah. They're porbaly from law inforcements.' Kiara says as she gets two beers from the fridge.

'They're not from law inforcements.' Bucky says.

'What do you mean?' Kiara asks as she gives Bucky a beer. 'They were literally wearing law inforcements outfits.' Kiara says as she sits down next to him.

'No, listen to me.' Bucky says as he shifts a little so he can look at Kiara properly. 'This is gonna be hard to hear but you have to promise me to stay calm, okay?'

'Okay.' Kiara says with slight hesitation. 'What's wrong then?'

'Dreykov.' Bucky says.

Kiara feels her body immediately tens at the name. 'What about him?' Kiara asks

'He isn't dead, Kie.' Bucky says softly, feeling bad for her.

When Bucky was freed of his Hydra programming, all his memories came back. Including the ones he had with Kiara in the 40s. When he read about what happend to her, he felt really bad for her. And when he found out he isn't dead. He felt even more bad for her.

Despite him still being sensitive from getting his memories back, he had to warn her for him. He knows Dreykov wants her back and he was determined to protect her from him at all costs.

Kiara stands up, still tense as she punches against the closet. Bucky quickly stands up too and walks to Kiara.

'Hey.' Bucky says softly as he turns Kiara around.

When he sees that she's crying, he can't help but feel bad for her. He pulls her into a hug and slowly rubs her back, trying to calm her down a little.

'How did you find out?' Kiara asks after a while as she pulls away.

'I still have some ties to Hydra.' Bucky says. 'There was some chatter about him. I didn't knew if it was real or not. But then I checked missing little girls from the past years and many girls have gone missing again. That's when I knew for sure that he never actually died.'

Kiara sniffels as she sits down on a chair, trying to keep herself calm when she suddenly thinks about Natasha. 'Does Nat knows this?' Kiara asks as she looks at Bucky.

'I honestly don't know.' Bukcy says. 'I have no idea where she is.'

Kiara sighs as she takes off her jacket, feeling very warm right now. And then is when Bucky notices her arms. He looks at her with wide eyes. She has no idea why, but then sees at what he's looking.


'What happend to your arms?' Bucky asks as he takes a good look at her arms.

'My bones may or may hot have snapped.' Kiara says as she sighs.

'Snapped?!' Bucky says, getting concerned. 'How the hell did that happen?'

'My powers were apperently too much to handle for my bones. When I finally realized, my bones already snapped.'

'Why haven't you gone to the hospital?'

'Well, James, in case you don't know, I'm a global fugitive now. I can't just go to the hostpital like I used to without getting arrested.'

'Oh, yeah. Makes sense.' Bucky says. 'How did you survive that all this time?'

'I use bandages and rapid bone healing. But that only helps for so long everytime.' Kiara explains. 'In fact, I still have some.' Kiara says as she stands up.

She walks to the closet and gets the bandage out of it. Then she sits down again. She's about to wrap it around her arms when Bucky stops her.

He sits down and takes the bandage from her. 'Let me help.' He says.

'Have you heard from Steve?' Kiara asks as Bucky carefully wraps the bandage around her arm.

'I haven't seen him since I was put in a coma again.' Bucky says. When he sees how sad he looks he remembers that Steve told him that they're dating again and that she must miss him very much. 'You miss him, don't you?'

'No.' Kiara says quickly. Bucky gives her the "I know you're lying" look. 'Maybe.' Bucky still looks the same at her. 'Yes.' Kiara says as she sighs.

'Steve told me you guys were dating again, so I figured.' Bucky says as he starts to take care of her other arm.

'He did?' Kiara asks suprised.

'Yeah, right before they put me in a coma we had some time to talk. Even if I didn't remember everything yet back then, I did remember how happy he was with you in the 40s.'

Kiara smiles slightly, memories of her and Steve in the 40s coming back to her like a movie.

'He's gonna be glad to hear you remember everything when he sees you again.' Kiara says with a smile.

Bucky smiles as he looks up at Kiara. 'All done.' He says. 'Who else, besides me, knows you're staying here?' Bucky asks.

'Just my friend Max who arranged this for me.' Kiara answers.

'Good.' Bucky says as he stands up.

'What are you doing?' Kiara asks as he looks up at him.

'I'm going to Wakanda, see if I can find out where Natasha is.' Bucky says as he gives her a note.

'What's this?' Kiara asks.

'My number. If somethings wrong call me, okay?'

Kiara nods as she stands up and gives Bucky a hug. 'Thank you, James.' Kiara says.

'No problem.' Bucky says as he pulls away and walks to the door. 'Stay safe, okay?'

'Okay.' Kiara says with a smile.

Bucky nods and then walks out, leaving Kiara alone again. She sits down on the sofa with a long and deep sigh.

Her life just got a whole lot more complicated again.

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now