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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

It's Steve and Kiara's wedding day and everyone is busy setting things ready as Kiara gets herself ready with the help of Mia, Natasha, Laura and Pepper.

They've done her hair already. It's nicely curled and beautifully done.

Sam and Bucky are helping Steve while the rest is busy making everyone ready for the wedding

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Sam and Bucky are helping Steve while the rest is busy making everyone ready for the wedding. Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. team is there, too. Helping setting up and all very happy for her and Steve.

'You look beautiful, sweetie.' Pepper says as Kiara stands up.

Kiara smiles. 'Thank you, Pepper.' She says. 'All of you.'

'No problem, Kie.' Laura says. 'And Pepper is right, you look absolutely beautiful.'

'Definitely.' Natasha says.

'You ready?' Mia asks.

Kiara nods. Then Pepper and Laura open the door for her. Coulson is standing there, in a beautiful suit. He turns around when he hears the doors open and looks at Kiara.

Tears invade his eyes as she slowly walks closer to him. 'You look so beautiful, honey.' Coulson says.

'Thank you, Dad.' Kiara says as she hugs Coulson.

'We'll see you out there.' Natasha says.

'Frost wishes you the best day.' Mia says.

Kiara smiles. 'Tell her I say thank you.'

Mia nods and then walks away with the others. Kiara grips Coulson's arm as they rounded the corner of the set out in Clint's big backyard.

Music swells from the violinist just off to the side of all the guests. Coulson squeezes Kiara's arm as they get closer to the end of the aisle.

Kiara looks up and sees Steve in his beautiful black suit. He has tears in his eyes but smiles at her as he takes in her beauty.

They reach the end of the aisle and turn to each other. Coulson gives Kiara a hug and a kiss on her for head. Then he sits down next to May and she takes his hand in hers, smiling at her.

Steve helps Kiara up onto the platform. He takes her two hands in his. He smiles at her and she smiles back.

Tony took it upon himself to get himself ordained in two months so they didn't have to bring anyone in from the outside. They'd rather have no prying eyes yet after the whole Thanos situation.

Tony clears his throat, making everyone look at him. 'Welcome everyone to the wedding of the two best people I know. Steve Rogers and Kiara Coulson.'

Coulson smiles as he hears his last name after her first name, happy he got the whole adoption thing sorted out before the wedding.

'I've known these two for quite some time now. It's true that we've had our ups and downs in our past. But I'm so happy and honored to be the one to marry these two today.' Tony says with emotion in his voice.

Everyone smiles and Sarah giggles, sitting on Clint's lap as she holds his hand and plays with his fingers.

'Do you two have vows?' Tony asks.

They both nod. Steve looks into Kiara's eyes as he takes a deep breath.

'My entire life has been marked by two things. First one is change. From when I was a kid to when I was an adult things were always changing. But, no matter how different things became or what new challenges I had to face, I always had the other thing in my life I was marked by. And that's you. You've always been there as a friend, as a partner, as the love of my life. You're my home, Kiara. And that's one thing that will never change.'

'That was really nice.' Kiara says as she laughs. 'When we were in the army together I wasn't always accepted by the men because I was a woman. But you accepted me from the beginning. And, the day of my big speech, I froze. I couldn't say anything. And I wanted to disappear. And then I looked in the audience and I saw you. And you got up and climbed on the stage and you held my hand through the whole speech. You've always been so patient with me. Especially when I lost my memories of our life together. And from the moment I got my memories back, I knew that with you by my side anything was possible. Captain America may the worlds hero but you, Steve Rogers, you are my hero. And I am happy, excited and honored to be your wife.'

'Beautiful.' Tony says. 'The rings.' He says as he turns to Bucky.

Bucky steps towards Tony and gives him the rings. Tony says a quick "thank you" before turning back to Steve and Kiara.

'Do you, Steven Grant Rogers, take Kiara Coulson as your wife?' Tony says.

Steve takes the ring and slides it around Kiara's finger. 'I do.' He says with tears in his eyes.

'And do you, Kiara Coulson, take Steven Grant Rogers as your husband?' Tony says.

Kiara takes the other ring and slides it around Steve's finger. 'I do.' She says.

'I now pronounce you husband and wife.' Tony says. 'You may kiss the bride.'

Steve pulls Kiara in closely, pressing his lips against hers as he puts his hands on her face. He pulls away with a smile on his face.

'I present to you, Mr and Mrs Rogers!' Tony shouts to the audience.

They all clap and cheer as they stand up, confetti pouring down as everyone keeps clapping and cheering.

Steve picks Kiara up bridal style as he walks down the aisle with her. Once they are out of sight, Steve lowers Kiara to the ground and kisses her again.

Not much later champagne is being popped as Kiara and Steve cut the wedding cake. A small band is playing and everyone talks and laughs with each other.

Steve and Kiara are dancing and he spins her around and kisses her in between songs, feeling this happy for the first time in a long time. The two of them got congrats for several people over the afternoon.

Natasha dances with Bucky, Mia dances with Sam, Laura dances with Clint, Pepper dances with Tony and Sarah and Morgan dance with each other, too, giggling with each other.

Thor is laughing with Jemma and Fitz as they drink together, Coulson is dancing with May and Skye is dancing with Lincoln.

As the night sky appears and the moon takes over from the sun, people slowly started winding down the party and Sarah and Morgan are already sleeping as they began to get tired. A small campfire is started and the people that are still there start talking with each other.

Kiara sits on Steve's lap and he has his hand on her thigh. Everyone continues drinking as they all laugh at a story Thor is telling.

Steve kisses the back of Kiara's neck softly, his lips leaving a trail of goosebumps on her skin. He stirs under her, the Asgardian alcohol shared amongst Thor and super soldiers starts taking its toll with him.

'My perfect, little wife.' Steve mummers against Kiara's ear, making her shiver. His hand squeezes her thigh, trailing a little higher as no one notices because they're wrapped up in conversations. 'Just wait for tonight, sweetheart.'

Tony offered his cabin up to the two of them for their wedding night for some privacy. Steve thanked Tony for it as Kiara gave him a tight hug, feeling very greatful that everything is good between them again.

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