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April 2nd, 2015

'What's the situation?' Kiara asks as she runs to Coulson and his team.

They have been dealing with a man named Dr. Whitehall a.k.a Dr. Reinhardt. He was one of Hydra's biggest leaders back in the 40s when he went by Werner Reinhardt.

But somehow he turned back his clock because he is just as old as he was in the 40s. He goes go by Daniel Whitehall instead of Werner Reinhardt and he lost his accent.

'He took this entire town hostage to get our attention. The Avengers are on the other side on the city. Even Thor came for this.' Coulson informs.

'Do we have them on comms?'

'No, not yet. Fitz and Simmons are still trying to analyze what kind of tech they have so we've stayed offline for now. Just to make sure we're not overheard.' May replies.

'Do they know I'm here?' Kiara asks.

'No.' Coulson replies.

'Where are they holding the hostages?'

'Here, on these ten locations.' Skye points at the projection screen where the red dots are.

'They're just holding them there?' Kiara asks.

'At the moment.' Trip replies. 'We're not really sure what Hydra's plan is and we don't know what they might do once we hit one of those ten locations.'

'So we hit all of them.' Kiara says. 'There's enough of us to do it if we split up strategically.'

'That could work.' Bobbi says. 'But we have a group of guards gathered in the middle of the town square. They could just be waiting for us to make a move and then start causing chaos.'

'Unless we send in a distraction.' Hunter suggests.

'Well, they're heavily armed.' Coulson responds. 'It would have to be a team, and that's just going to pull people away from the extraction.'

'Unless we send me in.' Kiara suggests.

'Are you full blown crazy, Kie?' Bobbi asks as she steps towards Kiara. 'They would shoot you at the spot.'

'No, they won't.' She says, looking at Coulson. 'You know what I'm getting at, ac.' Kiara says to him, referring to Switzerland.

'Shit.' Coulson mumbels. 'Kie, are you sure?'

'Yeah, I am. He wants me alive remember. I'm guessing he hasn't changed his mind in these past months. 'I didn't hide for nothing these past few months and didn't tell the Avengers where I was.'

'They're here for you.' Coulson says, starting to piece it all together. 'You were hiding here and they found you.'

'Well, I was out of town for a day when you called me, but, yeah, I've been here living here for a month. Trust me, guys, he won't let those agents harm me.'

'You sure?' Fitz asks.

'Positive.' Kiara replies. 'Get those comms on, but don't tell them I'm here yet. They would never agree to this. I'll give you a "go" if I have his full attention, then get these hostages out as fast as possible.'

'You got it.' Coulson says. 'Fitz-Simmons, get those comms online.' He says as he hands Kiara an earpiece.

Coulson does a quick check if everyone can hear them and then he gives Kiara the signal to go.

'Be careful.' He mouths before she can go, making sure the Avengers can't hear him as the agents disperse and slowly move to their locations.

Kiara slowly walks to the middle of the town square and then she walks towards the agents who are standing there with big guns and protective clothing.

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