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Kiara is sitting in her room watching the news about Lagos.

'11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on a outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occured.'

'Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. . . not only because of the actions of criminals. . . but by the indifference of those who pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent. . . is no victory at all.'

'The Wakandan king went on to-'

Kiara turns of the tv. 'Bullshit.' Kiara says.

She grabs her laptop and decides to call Coulson. After a few seconds he answers the call.

'Hey, Kie.'

Kiara sighs. 'Hey A.c.'

'What's wrong?' He asks, noticing her long sigh.

'Did you see the news about Lagos?'

'Yeah, I did. Are you okay by the way? I know we haven't talked much since you came back from London.'

'I've been better. Tony will be here soon.' Kiara says with a sigh.

'Are you not happy he's coming to see you?'

'I do. It's not that. He's brining a guest. Secretary Ross.'

'Him? Really? Why?'

'Well, he wants to "talk" to us. But nothing ever ends well with talking.'

'Maybe it's not that bad.'

'Oh no, believe me, A.c., if Ross is involved. You can bet that something is gonna happen.'

Then Jemma walks into the room.

'Hey Jemma.' Kiara says as she waves.

'Hey Kie. Good to see you!' Jemma says as she waves back. 'We found Hive.' Jemma says to Coulson.


'Yeah. Nothing to worry about. You just focus on what's happening over there. Text or call me if somethings wrong.'

'Will do. Bye A.c., bye Jemma.'

'Bye Kie. Stay safe.' Coulson says.

'Bye Kiara.' Jemma says.

Kiara puts her laptop away Tony walks in. Kiara stands up, runs over to Tony and gives him a hug.

'Hey, Tin-Man!'

'Hey, Tremors. I brought Ross with me. He's waiting for you and the others.' He says.

'Okay. Just. . . let me get changed first. I can't face the Secretary in grey sweatpants.'

Tony kisses Kiara's forehead and nods. He walks out of her room and closes the door.

Kiara sighs as she opens her closet to pull jeans and a top out.


'Five years ago. . . I had a heart attack. . . and dropped right in the middle of my backswing.' Ross begins. 'Turned out it was the best round of my life. . . because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass. . . I found something 40 years in the Armg had never taught me. Perspective. The world owes the Avengers a unpayable debt. You have fought for us. . . protected us, risked your lives. . . but while a great many people see you as heroes. . . there are some. . . who would prefer the word "vigilantes."

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