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It's been 3 days since Bucky told Kiara about Dreykov being alive. Since then she hasn't left her little house. She has enough food to last for a week. So she hopes she hears back from him soon.

1. Because she does need food to survive. 2. The most important, she wants to know if Dreykov will really come for her. And 3. She wants to know if Natasha's okay, too.

But Kiara hasn't heard from him since he saved her 3 days ago. She slowly goes crazy, not knowing if something happend to Bucky when he was planning on doing some more digging.

Back when she was in the Red Room, she heard a lot about the Winter Soldier. The best asset Hydra has ever had. Hydra was, in their own twisted way, very fond of him. As was Dreykov.

When the Widows couldn't succeed a mission, which rarely happend, Dreykov would hire the Winter Soldier to do what they couldn't, finish it. No matter the cost. She doesn't hope they got him. Unfortunately, all she can do is wait.

For now.

4 days later

Kiara still hasn't heard from Bucky. And even though he said she needs to be careful, she has to go to the little down anyways. She's almost out of food and drinks so she has no choice.

Kiara gets dressed and gets into the car. It's about 20 minutes to get to the town. She gets her usual stuff in the store. This time she's watching her surroundings extra carefully, just like she was learned in the Red Room.

To her suprise, she doesn't run into one Widow and she gets safely back to her car. She puts the groceries in the back of the car, closes the door and steps in the car herself.

When she gets back again and walks inside, an angry Bucky is sitting on her couch. 'Where were you?'

'Out.' Kiara says.

'Out where?' Bucky asks.

'Quick to the Red Room and back, James.' Kiara says sarcastic. He looks at her with an annoyed look. Kiara sighs. 'I needed food. You know? That thing you eat so you stay alive?' Kiara explains. 'Where else do you think I was?'

'I thought they got to you or something. I've been waiting here for an hour.' Bucky says as he stands up.

'I'm sorry, okay?' Kiara says as she's the one that sits down now. 'I hadn't heard from you in a week. Honestly, I was afraid Dreykov got you captured.' Kiara says as she sighs.

'I'm sorry for not reaching out. I should have, I know that.' Bucky says.

'Did you find anything out?' Kiara asks.

'Unfortunately, I don't know where Natalia is.' Bucky says as he sits down again. 'But, there is being a tracker system on her from Wakanda. So they should have her found in no time.'

'Not to take her prisoner, right?' Kiara asks.

'No. Just for her safety. I bet if Dreykov if after you, he's after her, too.'

'How can you be so sure he's after us?' Kiara asks. 'I mean, I'm sure he has countless defenless girls at his disposal.'

'Because you two are Avengers.' Bucky says. 'And in his twisted world an Avengers means power, a lot. Let stand 2.'

'That makes sense.' Kiara says with a sigh.

'Hey.' Bucky says. 'It's gonna be okay. I won't let anything happen to you.' He assures Kiara. 'Or Natalia.' He adds.

'No one has called her that in a long time.' Kiara says. 'Or me, for that matter.'

'I, uh- I'm used to call her that.' Bucky says as he shifts slightly.

'Don't worry.' Kiara says when she sees he's getting slightly nervous and uncomfortable. 'I know you two had some kind of history.'

'You do?' Bucky asks suprised.

Kiara leans back as she smiles. 'Yeah, she told me all about it when we finally settled fully in S.H.I.E.L.D.' Kiara says. 'She could go on for hours about it.'

'Really?' Bucky asks as his face lights up a little. 'She did?'

'Well, someone's happy.' Kiara says with a smirk. 'Yeah, she did.' Kiara confirms as she sees Bucky smile. 'You have feelings for her, don't you?' She asks.

'No.' Bucky says quickly. Kiara gives her the "I know you're lying" look. The same look he gave her when he asked her if she missed Steve a few days ago when he was helping her with her bruised arms. 'Maybe.' Kiara still looks the same at her. 'Yes.' Bucky says as she sighs. 'I still have feelings for her. I think I've never felt like this with any other girl I've been with in the 40s. And trust me, I've been with a lot of girls back in the day.'

'Trust me, I know.' Kiara says with a smile. 'Did she saw your actual face when you guys-?' Kiara asks.

'Honestly, I have no idea.' Bucky answers. 'I suppose so.' He says, still a bit unsure. 'Did she say anything to you about it?'

When Kiara gives him a question look, he clarifies. 'About wether she saw my face or not.'

'I. . . don't think so.' Kiara says. 'Only that she spend a lot of time with the Winter Soldier. And how you were one of the best memories she has of the Red Room. Nothing else.'

Bucky sighs. 'Look, this is gonna sound cliché. But I have to go again.'

Kiara sighs. 'I know. You still have to find Nat. I get it, trust me.'

'Look, I'll call more often. I get you nervous when it comes to this.'

'Promise?' Kiara asks as she sticks out her pinkie.

'Promise.' Bucky promises as he takes her pinkie with his own.

Bucky and Kiara both stand up as they give eachother a hug. Bucky pulls away as they both say "bye" to eachother. Then he walks to the door, opens it and walks out, closing the door behind him.

Kiara sighs once the door closes and unpacks the groceries she just bought and puts everything in the right place. Then she takes a long shower, trying to clear and calm her mind a little more.

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now