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Kiara shoots an arrow at Eric after she got the message from Micheal when he was about to do something to his wife Iris.

She pulls him back to her with the rope attached to him and starts to punch him many times when she gets thrown back against the wall and falls to the ground.

She stands up as Eric pulls the arrow out of him and drops it to the ground. 'You seem like likable girl, Kiara. I bet you've got a lot of friends. I'm going to enjoy killing every last one of them.'

'No. Never again.' Kiara says as she stands up and starts to fight him again when he starts to suck the life out of her again.

'After Laurel, I left you alone to grieve. I was being nice. You have no idea how much I hate being nice.' He says as he ups the speed of sucking the life out of Kiara.

Kiara thinks about what she learned and focuses on the light inside of her and she withstands what Eric is doing to her as her eyes glow yellow again, much to his suprise. Then they get both blasted against a wall and away from eachother and they both fall to the ground. When Kiara looks up, Eric is gone.

Kiara gets up and walks to Iris who's just waking up. 'You okay?' Iris nods and Kiara sighs in relief.


'Hey.' Katy says as she walks to Kiara.

'Hi.' Kiara says. 'Got in touch with Mia?'

'Not yet. You okay?'

'Earlier, with Lehnsherr, it worked. He tried to use his magic on me, and I was able to repel it.'

'That's imcredible. How'd you do it?'

'I heard Steve's voice in my head. He was reminding me of my time in the 40s, since, like, before I was taken by the Red Room. I heard Nat, I heard Mia, I heard Carol, I heard the rest of the Avengers, I heard you. I heard Laurel. Just telling me to keep fighting, to never give up. Just telling me to have hope.'


'Lehnsherr took what now?' Kiara asks Michael and Iris.

'Rubicon.' Iris replies.

'I thought Rubicon was being stored at the FBI.'

'It was, until Shadowspire tried to steal it. After Waller's dead, I had it moved for security reasons.'

'To where?' Carol asks.

Iris shows the scar on her arm, answering Carol's question.

'It was under your skin?' Carol asks.

'A subdermal implant. Lehnsherr ripped it out.'

'Iris, you need to tell us what Rubicon is.' Kiara says.

'A ballistic launch override protocol, designed to prevent any country, even our own, from firing a nuclear missle.' Iris explains.

'Something tells me Lehnsherr's plans aren't so benign.' Katy says.

'With some work and the right expertise, Rubicon could be corrupted. Instead of controlling nukes to prevent them from being launched. . .'

'Oh, my god.' Michael says.

'Lehnsherr would control the world's nuclear stockpile.' Kiara says.

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