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A week later

Kiara stops walking when she reaches the front of the gate of the cemetery. She opens the door of the cemetery and walks through it. She walks all the way to the middle of the big cemetery until she sees a tombstone with the name.

Peggy Carter

She slowly walks to the tombstone and sits down next to it. She leans her head on the side of the tombstone. And then she just sits there in silence.

Because Peggy died in the middle of the whole Sokovia Accords thing, Kiara didn't get any time to mourn her sister properly, something Kiara regrets much.

Peggy was the only family member by blood that Kiara still had. Something like a last tie to the girl she used to be. Well, besides Steve.

Then she hears a sound and she quickly stands up to hide behind a little house in the middle of the cemetery. When she looks from behind the wall to see who's there, she sees someone she never thought she would see ever again.

Because the person she sees walking down the cemetery, is none other than Coulson. Kiara swallows hard, debating wether she should go to him or not.

One side of her doesn't want to because she's afraid that if Ross would find out she would even talk to Coulson, Ross would throw him in the Raft. But the other side of her just craves the comfort from him.

She quietly walks away from behind the little house and slowly walks towards Coulson, still a bit unsure about wether she should do this or not until she stands a meter from him.. 'Ac.' Kiara says quietly.

Immediately, Coulson turned around, recognizing that voice. Even from miles away. 'Kiara.' He says as he walks to her as fast as he can and pulls her into a hug.

As soon as Coulson hugs Kiara, she lets out a long sigh as she hugs him back tighter. And for the first time in a long time, Kiara lets her emotions get the better of her and lets a tear fall down her cheek.

When Coulson pulls away and sees that Kiara's crying, he lets out a sad sigh as he wipes some tears away, making Kiara smile a bit. 'Hi, honey.' He says as he smiles.

'Hi.' Kiara says softly as she sniffels.

'What are you doing here all alone?' He asks.

'Well. . . I kinda don't have a house at the time so I've been kinda living in my car.' Kiara says as she wipes the rest of her tears away. 'I just wanted to see my sister.' She says sadly. 'Even if it's just for a little while.'

'Please come with me.' He says. 'You need some fresh clothes. And you look so tired. I can't stand to see you like this.'

'I- I- I- I can't. You live at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and I'm wanted.' Kiara says slightly panicked.

'Honey, it's okay.' Coulson reassures her. 'I don't live at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base anymore.'

'You're not?' Kiara asks suprised.

'No. It kinda became overwhelming so I bought an apartment. Well, more of a loft.' He says as he takes off his jacket, seeing Kiara shivering. He puts his jacket over her shoulders and she smiles at him.

'Are you sure you wanna do this?' Kiara asks uncertain. 'If Ross or anyone finds out you're harboring a fugitive, you're screwed.'

'I'm sure.' Coulson says with a smile. 'Besides, you're not a fugitive to me. You're my kid.'

'Okay.' Kiara says with a smile. Definitely feeling a little bit better by seeing him again.

They walk off the cemetery and get into Coulson's car. When they reach his apartment, he gives Kiara his sweatpants and a big sweater and makes her some tea.

He sits down next to her as he gives her a blanket, which she gladly accepts. 'I heard about the Red Room going down.' Coulson begins.

'Mmm.' Kiara says as she sips on her tea.

'You're okay?' He asks, knowing that must have been hard for her. 'That must have been shit hearing that he was still alive.'

'Yes, it was.' Kiara says sadly. 'It had an pretty hard impact but I'm glad he's dead.'

'I can understand that.' Coulson says as he stands up.

'Where are you going?' Kiara asks.

'I have to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.' He says as he puts his coat on. 'Mace is hosting another stupid tour which I have to lead.'

'Who's Mace?' Kiara asks.

'The new director of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

'You're not director anymore?' Kiara asks suprised.

'No, I'm not.' Coulson says as he sighs.

'Why not? I thought everything was going well with you as director before the Sokovia Accords.'

'Yeah, it did.' He says. 'But when we signed, Ross visited us and-'

Kiara doesn't even need to hear the rest. 'And let me guess, he didn't trust you anymore because of me.' Kiara says with a sigh.

'Yeah.' Coulson answers as he gives her a kiss on her forehead.

'I'm sorry, ac.' Kiara says. 'He shouldn't have done that just because I'm close to you. He's such a prick.'

'Honey, it's okay. What's done is done.' He says honestly. 'But I really need to go now. Just make yourself at home, okay?'

'Okay.' Kiara says with a smile.

Coulson give her another smile before he walks out the door and closes it behind him.

Kiara lets out a long sigh as she lets herself fall backwards into the couch, loving the comfort again after a week. She grabs the remote and turns on the tv.

After a while of watching tv, Kiara decides to look around the apartment. It's a nice apartment with a great view of New York.

A/N: I don't actually know where agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was filmed in season 4 but I'm just gonna assume they filmed it in New York.

It has a pretty big kitchen for an apartment, two bedrooms and a very nice balcony. She notices one bedroom is full with old stuff so she figures that Coulson's bedroom.

She walks to the other bedroom and lets herself fall on the two persons bed. She lets out a satisfied sigh as she closes her eyes and she lets herself drift off to sleep.

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now