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2 months later

Kiara and Steve have been living together in DC for 2 months now. Steve told her more and more about her past and they've grown quite close again. Not as close yet as they were before, but close.

Kiara has still some trouble opening up, but every day it's gets better. They are currently on a mission with a few shield agents somewhere in Peru to retrieve an 084 that has been spotted there.

A/N: For those who don't know what an 084 is; it's an object of unknown origin, it can be anything. A person, a device or a weapon. Not to mention it can be a very dangerous object.

'Just wait for the signal.' One of the agents says.

'What's the signal?' Kiara whispers to Steve as they are hiding in the forest close by the cave.

'No idea.' He says, clearly confused.

Then an exploison goes off not far from where the 084 is supposed to be.

'Signal.' They say in unison, then immediately rise up and come through the trees, taking the guards who are protecting the 084 by suprise.

With Kiara's powers she throws one of them againts the wall and as soon as the other one turns she grabs onto his aimed rifle and pulls it down as she brings her knee up, getting a good hit on the guards stomach.

Besides her Steve disarms one of the guards while using his shield to block the shots of the other. The guy who Kiara threw against the wall comes back towards her and she quickly kicks him away as she pulls on the rifle in her hand, freeing it from the grasp of the guard.

She shoots the guard in the leg, it won't kill him, but it will keep him on the ground in pain as she throws the gun away. One of the guys wraps his arms around her, trying to immobilize her while the other comes towards me with his fist raised. Kiara pushes back on the guys that are holding her, lifting her legs to kick away the one in front of me.

Then she rams her head back to hit the guy that's holding her and he stumbels back enough for her to free herself from his grasp. Dodging a few of his swings she manages to catch his arm and pull him forward until he flips onto his back. She hears someone coming up behind her and she turns just in time to avoid getting a knife to the back.

He comes for her again with the knife and with one arm she blocks, with the other she grabs onto his wrist and twists it so he drops the weapon. She catches it before it drops and swing it up, giving him a pretty good cut on his chest.

Suddenly she feels her legs kicked from underneath her and she drops onto her back. The other guy, who also pulled out a knife, comes at her from on top, and she crosses her arms in front of her to block his attack. Then she brings her leg up, puts it against his chest and swings him over her, tossing him straight into the other guy who was just getting up.

She manages to get on her feet just as Steve's shield lands right next to her. Without thinking twice she grabs it, slipping it onto her arm and she gives it one big swing, connecting it right into the jaw of one of the guards. She does a quick 360 and gives him another kick in the face, knocking him down and out.

She turns to the other guy and runs towards him, jumping in the air so she can bring the shield down on him hard. With one last turn to give the shield momentum she hits him in the head and he drops down, this time not coming back up.

She looks up to check on Steve, knowing she stole his main protection. He's on one knee, three guys on the floor near him, and he's looking at her, his eyes roaming down to his shield in her hands as he gives her a sultry look as he does from time to time since they got closer again.

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now