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'Hey, Tony?' Kiara asks as she walks into the kitchen where Tony is currently making lunch for everyone.

'Yeah?' He asks.

'When one goes back in time to bring back the stones to their rightful places and accidently gets seen by someone they know, would that mess up the entire timeline?'

Tony looks up at Kiara confused. 'Uh, that depends.'

'On what?' Kiara asks as she takes a step closer to Tony.

'On the ripple effect.' Tony says. 'Imagine that our time is one big river that streams towards one place. Let's say from the past till now. If you change something, let's say a stick is thrown into it, creating a ripple. How bigger the thing is you change in the timeline, how bigger the ripple is. You can make some ripples, but not too big ones. If the ripples are too big, it will create a dam, messing up our timeline completely.' He explains. 'Why do you want to know?'

Kiara stays quiet, not wanting to say why she's asking this. Because she knows he's not gonna like it, let alone allow it.

'Tremors.' Tony says when she's not answering his question.

'I-' Kiara begins. 'I was thinking that I could bring back the stones and uh-'

Tony nods, waiting until she says the other part of the sentence.

'I was thinking maybe I could see Peggy.' Kiara says softly as she looks down at her hands.

Tony sighs sadly. 'Oh, Tremors.' He says, knowing how much Kiara misses her sister.

'Nevermind.' Kiara says as she turns to walk away.

'Kie, wait.' Tony says before Kiara can walk out of the kitchen. Kiara turns around, looking at Tony as he sighs. 'Maybe. Just maybe. I can find you some kind of loophole so you can talk to your sister.' He says.

'Really?' Kiara asks as her face lights up a bit.

Tony smiles. 'Really. I know you couldn't mourn her properly because of the Accords. It's the least I can do.' He says.

Kiara walks to Tony and gives him a hug. 'Thank you for trying, Tony.' She whispers.

'Of course.' Tony says as he pulls away. 'Do me one favor, would you?'

Kiara nods.

'Don't tell this to anyone. It has to be between you and me because I don't think the others would approve this.' Tony says.

'Okay.' Kiara says with a smile and then walks back to the others. 'He's almost done.' Kiara says, not saying anything about what they just talked about.

'Good.' Natasha says. 'I'm absolutely starving.'

As Kiara sits down, Tony comes into the livingroom with a tray full of food. 'Lunch is served.' Tony says as he puts everything on the table.

Everyone immediately grabbed food and starts to eat it. They talked throughout the whole lunch. Then the doorbel goes.

'I'll get it.' Kiara says with a sigh as she stands up and walks to the door.

Kiara opens the door and Mia is standing on the porch of the house. Kiara gets a big smile on her face and pulls Mia into a hug.

'Thank god.' Kiara says relieved as she hugs Mia tighter which makes Mia laugh. 'Where have you been?' Kiara asks as she pulls away.

'I was all the way in the Artic when I blipped. There is no phone there, so I had to walk to a phonebooth for a ride.' Mia explains.

Kiara steps aside, letting Mia in. 'In the Artic?' Kiara asks. 'Why?'

'Something Mace had me on. It's nothing important compared to what has been going on here.' Mia says.

Suddenly two arms wrap around Mia. When Kiara sees who it is, she knows to back away a little. Sam is hugging Mia tightly.

Mia giggles as Sam picks her up and turns around with her. Then he sets her down again and gives her a kiss. Kiara smiles as she walks back to the livingroom, giving those two some space.

'Who is there?' Natasha asks.

'Mia.' Kiara says. 'But I would wait on the hugs.'

'Why?' Steve asks.

'She and Sam are having a. . . little moment.' Kiara says.

'Oh, god.' Tony says as he puts his hand in front of his eyes.

'God, Tony! Not like that! They just haven't seen eachother for a while.' Kiara says as she sits down next to Steve, who's holding Sarah on his lap while she's playing with his fingers.

'What does he mean, Mommy?' Sarah asks completely innocent.

Kiara's eyes widen as she looks at Steve, who's trying to hold in his laugh, and then at Sarah. 'Nothing, sweetie. Uncle Tony is just being himself.' Kiara quickly makes up.

Steve isn't able to hold in his laughter and he laughs out loud, earing a glare from Kiara. Sarah looks at Steve with a smile and goes back to play with Steve's fingers again.

Mia walks into the livingroom with Sam. Everyone immediately stands up and gives Mia a hug. Mia looks around and sees two new persons in the room but she doesn't see Wanda.

'Where's Wanda?' Mia asks when she doesn't see Wanda sitting with them.

'Okay, everyone under 10 out.' Tony says.

Pepper nods and takes the kids out of the room. They don't need to hear the reason why Wanda really left everyone. Kiara stands up and sits down next to Mia, who's still confused.

'When we we're fighting Thanos 5 years ago from keeping him to get the Mind Stone. As you can properly realise, we failed big time. But when Thanos got his hands on the Mind Stone, it killed Vision. He's dead, Mia.' Kiara explains.

'Oh, god.' Mia says. 'Poor Wanda.'

'Yeah. When I talked to her right before she left, she said something about getting him back. Then she just left and we haven't heard from her since.'

'Jesus Christ. She must have been so broken when he died.' Mia says.

Kiara nods as she sighs deeply, still being worried about Wanda and a little bit scared for her.

'Okay. And what of those two kids?' Mia asks.

'The one with the brown hair is mine and Peps.' Tony says. 'Her name is Morgan.'

'Congrats, Tony.' Mia says. 'She looks adorable.'

'Thank you, Mia.' Tony says with a smile.

'And the other one is ours.' Kiara says.

Mia gasps. 'Wait, really?' She asks.

'Yeah.' Steve says as he puts his arm around Kiara. 'Her name is Sarah.' Steve says.

Mia walks to them and gives them a tight hug. She pulls away after a few seconds with a smile. 'Congrats, guys.'

They both smile at her. Mia sits down as Clint gets her something to drink. They talk for a while and after that she meets Sarah and Morgan.

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