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When Kiara wakes up after a few hours and checks her phone. She sees she has a message from Coulson.

Ac❤️: Hey, sweetheart.
I'm stuck in Russia with
the team. I'll be back
tomorrrow. There's
pizza for you as dinner.
See you tomorrow, love

Kiara: It's okay, I'll be
fine. Good luck
in Russia.❤️

Kiara gets out of bed and looks at the time. 7.00 p.m. Kiara makes the pizza that Coulson was talking about ready, grabs some soda and sits down on the couch again to watch tv while she's eating dinner.

After Kiara ate dinner and did the dishes, the doorbell goes. Kiara freezes in her action, not knowing what to do. She decides to slowly walk to the door with her hand slightly up, being ready for anything.

When Kiara gets to the door she looks trough the looking-hole to see who's standing on the other side of the door. When she sees who's standing infront of it, she immediately opens the door.

When the door fully opens, she sees Mia standing in the hallway. Immediately, Kiara pulls Mia into a tight hug. 'Hey.' Kiara says with a smile.

'Well someone's happy to see me.' Mia says with a smile as she pulls away.

'Of course I am.' Kiara says as she steps aside to let her in the apartment. 'How did you know I was here?' Kiara asks as she closes the door.

'Coulson told me just before he left. He thought you could use an old friend.' Mia says as she sits down.

'He's right about that.' Kiara says as she walks to the kitchen. 'Want something to drink?'

'Yeah, sure.' Mia says.

'All right. What do you want?' Kiara asks as she opens the refrigerator.

'Got some energy drink?'

'Yeah, we got some.' Kiara says as she grabs two of them out of the fridge.

She walks to Mia and hands her the drink and then sits down herself. 'How have you been?' Kiara asks.

'Good. It's just been busy at S.H.I.E.L.D.' Mia says with a sigh.

'Ac told me about that. A new director and from what I've seen, it's out in the open again.' Kiara says and then takes a sip of her drink.

'Yeah, it's been crazy.'

'Crazy how?' Kiara asks, noticing Mia's uneasy, exhausted face.

'Ever since you and half of the Avengers didn't sign the Accords and ran, the new director has been pushing everyone very hard. It's exhausting.' Mia explains.

'Ever think about taking a break?' Kiara asks, getting a bit concerned about her friend hearing all this.

'It's not that easy to ask for time off these days, even if it's just for 2 days.'

'Why's that?'

'You have to go through this whole thing where you have to tell where you're going and why.'

'Jesus. Why would he do all that for just a few days off?'

'He's concerned that maybe we would be interacting with you or Nat or Steve. He wants to know for sure that his agents don't get caught with a global fugitive with the agency out in the open.'

'That's just stupid.' Kiara says. 'How did you get away then?'

'Coulson managed to get a fake stake out on the Watchdogs on the list with my name behind it till 9 p.m.' Mia explains.

'Clever as always.' Kiara says with a smirk.

'Of course he is.' Mia says. 'Okay. Enough about me. How have you been? How's life as a global fugitive?'

'Terrible.' Kiara answers. 'It sucks, for sure.'

'I get that.' Mia says. 'Ross sure made a lot of speeches about the running Avengers. Especially you and Nat.'

Kiara sighs frustrated. 'Of course he did. What did he say?'

'Something about you and Nat being the most dangerous because of your pasts.'

'He's a douche.'

'Yeah, he is.'

Meanwhile with Steve
1 day later

It's been months since the Sokovia Accords happend and it's been months since Steve has seen Kiara. It's been getting harder with the day without her.

Steve has been hiding in an apartment just outside of New York for a month now. And just like Kiara, he has changed too. Steve grew a beard and his hair is longer than usual.

A week ago he saw the news about the Red Room and that got him even more worried about her than he already was. He doesn't know if Ross actually got her because it wasn't on the news but at the same time it could be that Ross doesn't want anyone to know about it.

Steve has been looking for her ever since they have been seperated from eachother. But so far he hasn't found her yet. He shouldn't be suprised, she is a super spy after all. Disapearing without leaving a trace like that is one of her specialties.

He's been laying in bed all morning, thinking about what he should do with all that has been going on. All he knows is one thing. He just wants to be with his girl again.

Steve lays in his bed with this thoughts until his phone goes off. He sits up with a groan and grabs his phone from the night stand. He turns his phone on and pushes on the text, opening it.

Agent Coulson:
Hey, Steve, it's Coulson.
I know you're probaly
wondering why the hell
I'm texting you. A few days
ago I went to the cemetery
and I ran into Kiara there.
I took her back to my
apartment where she still is.
She went to something traumatic
so I'm texting you my adress to
my apartment in New York so you
can go see her because I know she
despertly needs you right now. I'm
gonna stay at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base
again so you guys can have some
privacy. There is a spare key under
the mat incase she doesn't open up.

Steve's face lights up immediately when he finished reading this message. He quickly gets out of bed and dressed himself up. He grabs a bag and puts some clothes in it. He grabs his car keys and walks out of the apartment and to his car. He throws the bag in the back of his car and then gets in himself.

The adress Coulson gave him is only a 10 minute drive from his current apartment. With a smile he starts the car because he knows. . .

He finally gets to see his girl again.

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now