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The next morning Kiara wakes up. She groans softly and slowly opens her eyes. When she feels something on her chest, she looks down. She sees Steve lying on her chest, with his arm around her, snoring softly.

Kiara smiles as she softly strokes through his hair with her left hand through his messy hair. That is when she sees the wedding ring around her finger.

She uses her right hand now to stroke through his hair while she looks at the ring around her finger, smiling to herself. Then she hears Steve hum softly as he snuggles closer to her.

'That feels really nice.' Steve says in a cute sleepy voice.

'Yeah?' Kiara asks. Steve nods as he closes his eyes again, enjoying the feeling. 'Did you sleep okay?' Kiara asks.

'Yeah.' Steve says as he sighs contently. 'You?' He asks.

'I always sleep good as long as you're here with me.' Kiara says as she looks at the ring around her finger again.

Steve notices this and smiles. When Kiara sees that she looks at him. 'What?' She asks.

'You just seem so happy.' Steve says.

'I am.' Kiara says.

Steve moves on top of her and gives Kiara a sweet kiss. He pulls away and then kisses her all over her head, making her giggle.

'I love you, Mrs Rogers.' Steve whispers.

'Technically I'm not Mrs Rogers yet.' Kiara says.

'Mhm. I don't care. You are since the moment you said "yes".' Steve says and then kisses her again.

He spreads her legs to give him better access and places himself in-between them. His bulge rubs against her and as he starts grinding she moans into his mouth.

He groans as she does and his hand travels up over her chest and he cups her breast. He starts groping and teasing and he pinches her nipple which makes her whine. He kisses her more passionately after her reaction and suddenly he is moving, and before she knows it, he is inside of her. She moans as he enters her and he groans.

'I barely even touched you but you are so wet already. Fuck, baby.' He says as he starts moving slowly and locks eyes with her.

'You feel so fucking good.' She says as she holds his gaze. 'Please fuck me harder, Captain.'

He picks up the pace and before she knows it, she's back in ecstasy and she comes with a loud moan. As he cums inside her he growls deeply in pure pleasure. His body crashes on top of her, panting as he comes down from his high.

Steve rolls to the side, off her body. He gently rubs her stomach. 'You wanna have a bath?' He asks.

Kiara nods as she bites her bottom lip. 'Okay, baby.' Steve says. He leans down and kisses her softly before he stands up and walks to the bathroom. A few minutes later he comes back into the room and picks her up bridal style and walks with her into the bathroom again.

He gently places her inside the bathtub and moves to sit behind her. Kiara rests her body against Steve as she sighs at the feeling.

'I love you so much, baby.' Steve says as he nuzzles his nose in her hair.

Kiara giggles. 'I love you, too, Steve.' She says

Kiara and Steve pull up on the driveway at Clint's house. Everyone's standing outside with smiles on their faces.

'Did. . . did everyone know about this proposal?' Kiara asks, seeing all their faces.

'I guess Bucky couldn't contain himself.' Steve says as he laughs.

'You told him?' Kiara asks.

'Yeah. Him and Coulson.'

'Then I bet Nat got it out of him.'

'You wanna get out?' Steve asks.

'Yeah.' Kiara says.

They both open the their car doors and get out. They are greeted with cheers and laughter. Natasha and Mia run up to Kiara and pull her into a hug.

'Congratulations!' Mia says excited.

'Finally some good news.' Natasha says.

'Thanks, guys.' Kiara says as she pulls away and laughs.

'My best girl getting married.' Coulson says as he gives her a hug.

Kiara giggles and hugs Coulson back. He kisses her temple and then pulls away. Then Kiara turns to Natasha and Mia again.

'Speaking of "best girl".' Kiara says.

It takes for both of them a moment to sink in but Mia gasps first. 'Really?' She asks.

Kiara smiles. 'Yeah, really.' She says.

'Of course we will.' Natasha says.

They all laugh and hug again.

2 month later

'So where should I take her? Do you think she'll even want a honeymoon after everything?' Steve asks.

Tony scoffs. 'Rogers, I swear if you don't take your bride on a honeymoon there's gonna be hell to pay.'

'He's right, pal. I think she'd want to go away after those five years without you. As long as it's somewhere quiet and away from the press, you two should be fine.' Bucky says.

'Take one of my jets. Go wherever you want.' Tony says.

'Why don't you do it in New-Asgard? Then I can give you a tour!' Thor says.

'You idiot. She's gonna want to go somewhere romantic. That doesn't mean a village with all kinds of aliens.' Clint says.

'Just a suggestion.'

'Does she like hot or cold?' Sam asks. 'Also you get married in two weeks. The fact you are doing this so last minute is killing me.'

Steve thinks about it for a second. 'Definitely the hot weather.'

'Hawaii, Fiji, Mallorca?' Tony suggests. 'I have a beach house in each.'

'Of course he does.' Clint says.

'Don't complain, Legolas.' Tony says.

'Why are you only just revealing all this now, Mr Big Bucks?' Sam asks.

'I mean, any of them could work. She wouldn't want to go anywhere too crazy. It'd need to be chilled out. Private.' Steve says.

'So, which one is it gonna be?' Bucky asks.

'Fiji sounds nice.' Steve says. 'But you have to ensure me there will be no camera's whatsoever.'

'No press. No paps. No surveillance. I promise.' Tony says. 'You both deserve this.' Tony says, patting Steve's shoulder.

'Thank you, Tony.' Steve says. Glad that things are going good between them again. 'I appreciate it. Really.'

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now