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A/N: I suggest you listen to "Darkside" from Neoni if you're reading this first part. Usually I don't give any song advises, but this song seems fitting for this chapter.

Natalia arrives where Loki is being held with a cold look in her eyes. She still wants revenge on Loki for mindcontrolling her brother no matter what anyone else says about not touching Loki or going near him.

She kicks the door open, closes it and then quakes the security system so no one can get in easily.

She turns her attention to Loki, who is looking at her with a amazed smirk. This only fuels her anger more and more, knowing he probaly planned all of this.

'Ah, if it isn't the Destroyer of Worlds.' Loki says with a smirk.

'Shut up and listen to me.' Natalia says coldly.

'And who do think you are thinking you can give me orders.'

'I'm only gonna say this once. . . You have one more chance to tell me where Clint Barton is or I swear to the devil that I will break every single bone in your body, even those you don't even know you have until you feel them crack.'

'Ohh, but I like this. Is this love I'm detecting, agent Petrova?'

'I'm not in the mood for your fucking mindgames. Tell me where Clint Barton is, last. . . chance.'

'No, I think I'm good. Besides, your boss will never allow you to hurt me, he just sends you to talk to me and fail.'

Natalia gives him a cold smirk.

'Well, fortunately for me, my boss doesn't know that I'm here.'

This frightens Loki a bit, seeing and hearing coldness in her voice and in her eyes.

Natalia opens the cell and cuffs Loki with a bracelet that dampens all of his powers and then she throws him out of the cell, onto the hard floor.

She slowly walks to him and stops when she stands right above him.

'Where. . . is he?' Natalia says with a dangerous voice.

'Not. . . telling.' Loki says in the same tone.

Natalia snaps one of his bones, making him cry out in pain, this fuels her on more, knowing he does has a weakness.

'Don't be a baby. You're a god, this will take less than ten minutes before your bone healed again.' Natalia says. 'Where is Clint?'

'Not telling.'


'Where. Is. He.'

'I have no idea.'


'Where is Clint, Loki.'

'Don't know who your talking about.' Loki says, still keeping his act together.


'Okay, moving on then.' Natalia says as she lowers her hand a bit. 'What's your plan? Why did you let you take yourself that easily?'

'I wanted to see the competition, but it looks like there is no competition at all. After all, agent Barton was easy to control.' Loki says, trying to anger her more


'What do you need from here?' Natalia says coldly.

'Natalia!' Nick says as he just arrived.

'No!' Natalia snaps. 'You're here with a reason, what reason is that?'

Soon almost every Avenger, except for Thor, Tony, Steve and Bruce are standing behind the closed door, looking at how Natalia snaps the bones of a god.


'Tell me what your plan is!'

'You may. . . wanna keep an eye. . . out for the big guy.' Loki says in pain.

Natalia drags him back to the cell and closes it again. She walks to the door and quakes off the lock of the door.

'Your welcome.' Natalia says coldly as she waks away. 'You may wanna go to Doctor Banner, keep a eye out for him.'

Everything is very, very chaotic right now. After everyone argued with eachother about what Nick is doing with the Tesseract, a explosion happend. Loki's team is here and one engine is down.

Everyone just started to regain conscience after the explosion.

'Put on the suit.' Steve says to Tony.

'Yeah.' Tony says as they both stand up.

'Agent Petrova.'

'Yes, sir?'

'Help them.' Nick says referring to Steve and Tony.

'You got it.' Natalia says as she stands up and runs after the two men who just left.

Once Natalia is there, she sees Steve fighting off Loki's men. One man is about to hit him while he's fighting another man, Natalia uses her powers to blast him away from Steve.

After Steve knocks out the man he turns to Natalia, he gives her a slight nod, which she returns. She walks further to the engine where she sees Tony trying his best to get it working again.

'How is it going, Stark?' She asks.

'Almost there, almost there.' Tony says.

Steve and Natalia continue fighting off Loki's men so that Tony can fix the broken engine.

'Cap, hit the lever.' Tony says as he gets the engine working again.

'I need a minute here!' Steve says as he's just hanging at a rope.

'Lever. Now!' Tony orders

'Take my hand!' Natalia says as he's almost there.

Steve takes Natalia's hand and she pulls him further onto the helicarrier. But the second they're both on the helicarrier again, people start to shoot at them. As they hide, Steve manages to pull the lever as Natalia knocks down the last few men.

'Agent Coulson is down.' They hear Nick say after they all calm down.

'A medical team is on its way to tour location.' An agent says.

'They're here. They called it.'

Steve and Tony both turn to Natalia as the ground starts to shake a little. A tear falls down her cheek as she takes in a shaky breath.

'I can't do this.' She says and then she walks away.

Steve wants to go after her but he gets stopped by Tony.

'Give her time, trust me.'

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