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'You want me to do what now?' Kiara asks Coulson shocked.

'I know it's a lot to ask from you, but I can't cover two bases. I'm already searching for a co-director, but it's going slow and these people need someone they can come to when they need something.'

'And you thought of me?'

'Mhm.' Coulson says as he nods.

'Why not Mack? He seems like a good leader, so is May.'

'I need them here. And you're perfect for this, you are very likable, Kie.'

'What about the Avengers? They still need my help with Bucky and Rumlow.'

'I know that. And I'm sorry to ask you for this, I'm really am. I know how busy you've been since many teammates left.' Coulson says as he hands her the file. 'Can you just please think it over?'

'Okay.' Kiara says with a sigh. 'But, if I accept this, and only for a short while, can I bring Mia with me to London for help if she's down?'

'Of course you can.'

'Then I'll accept it, I know how busy you are.'

Coulson stands up and gives Kiara a hug and a kiss on her forehead. 'Thank you, Kie. I promise you that you'll be there for 3 months tops, not longer.' He says as he pulls away. 'Oh, yeah. Carol is coming with you, too.'

'Carol?! As in Carol Danvers?' Kiara asks with a smirk.

'Don't get anything in your head, young lady.' Coulson says with a warning in his tone. 'You're already dating someone. Someone very possessive, I might add.'

Kiara laughs, knowing it's true. She and Carol hooked up a few times when she used to visit Nick.

'I know. I'm just excited to see her again, that's all.' Kiara clarifies. 'I do need to go home, tell the others and convince Steve to let me go. Because it's as you said, possessive.'

Coulson laughs. 'Thanks again, Kie. I'll pick you up tomorrow.'

'I'll see you tomorrow, a.c.'


'Hey, Conners.' Kiara says as she walks into Mia's room, finding her packing her backs. 'Thanks for doing this for me. I appreciate it.'

'Anytime. Plus, I always wanted to go to London.' Mia says as she looks up.

'Is Sam okay with it? Seeming you guys finally went steady.'

'Yeah, he was actually pretty cool with it. That's what I like so much about him.' Mia smirks as she thinks for a second. 'How about Steve? Does he trust me alone with you?'

'Definitely not.' Kiara says as she chuckles. 'He begged me not to go since it's gonna be for three months. I wish he was as cool as Sam with it but at the same time it's very hot he's so possessive if I'm being honest.'

'You're really something, Carter.' Mia says as she zips her bag up. 'So is the Captain Marvel really coming?'

'Yeah. I already know her. For several years now.'

'Really?! How?'

Kiara looks away with a smirk on her face.

'No. . . way.' Mia says shocked. 'You hooked up with Carol Danvers?!'

'Multiple times, actually.'

'Oh, my god! Does Steve know?'

'Not yet. I'm sure if I even told him he would not even let me near her, let alone let her come with me to London.'

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now