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'I can't say I'm suprised.' Kiara says as she chuckles.

Kiara is video calling with Wanda. She just told Kiara about that Steve almost burned down the compound while he tried to cook.

'Who's brilliant idea was it to let Steve cook?'

'Sorry, Kie, that was my idea.' Sam says as he comes into the screen.

'Sam, you son of a bitch! You know Steve can't cook.' Kiara says, trying to hold in a laugh.

'I actually didn't.' Sam says.

At first Kiara thinks he joking, but then she sees his face and sees that he's telling the truth. 'You didn't?!'

'No, so when I asked him to cook and he said yes, I really thought it would go well. I mean, he is Captain America.'

'Just. . . don't let him cook anymore. At least not alone.'

'Oh we definitely won't do that anymore.' Wanda says. 'You better be back soon. You've been gone for what, two months already?'

'Yeah, time flies when you're busy.' Kiara says. 'We have a pretty solid plan to take him down. But everyone is still recovering from our loss.'


And when they almost have him, Eric stabs Laurel right in the stomach and makes his escape.

'Laurel!' Kiara says as she runs to her and kneels down by her side. Soon the others kneel down by Laurel as well.

'You're gonna be okay.' Mia says as she lets a tear fall. 'You're gonns be okay.' She repeats again.

'Kie?' Laurel says weakly.

'I'm here.' Kiara whispers as she sniffels.

'Y-you. . . bet-ter g. . . get hi-im.' Laurel struggels to say.

'I will.' Kiara whispers as she strokes Laurel's face. 'Get some rest, okay?'

'Ok-kay.' Laurel says and then she closes her eyes and stops breathing.

Mia turns to Carol and she gives Mia a hug as Mia starts to cry

End flashback

Kiara shakes her head, trying to get the image out of her head.

'I'm so sorry, Kie.' Wanda says. 'From what I heard Laurel was an amazing person.'

'She was.' Kiara says with a smile. 'Everyone is getting better, but they knew Laurel longer than us and they are determined to take Eric down once and for all. Once we're done with Eric a new director comes here and I can finally go home.'

'If you need our help in any way, you call us, okay?' Wanda says.

'Okay.' Kiara confirms. 'Love you guys, see you soon.'

'We love you, too, Kie.' Wanda and Sam both say in unison and then Wanda hangs up as Kiara lets out a long breath.


'Milo Armitage.' Katy begins. 'MPS found him in an alley outside Ellendale, and across town, Pheadra Nixon.'

'Okay. So what am I missing?' Mia asks.

A Love That Lasts Forever | Steve Rogers x OC (1)Where stories live. Discover now