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A/N: This story takes place before Chenford told everyone at the station they were together. Also this part is inspired by someone else's one shot but I can't remember their user sorry.

It was the stations yearly Christmas party, this year Angela and Wesley were hosting, Tamara was looking after all the kids for a very unneeded $50. Tim, Lucy, Nolan and Angela were playing a very heated game of uno, it didn't help they were all a little tipsy. Tim threw down his last card and throwing his hands in the air. "HAHAHA I WIN SUCKERSSS!" Tim yelled. Lucy threw her cards in the air in anger as Tim stood to his feet, Lucy quickly slapped the table and stood up getting in Tim's face. 
"I'm the UNO champ! Bow to me LOSERRR!" Tim said in Lucy's face.
Lucy then started to somehow get even closer to his face. Lucy then slapped his cheek catching the attention of all the other officers.
Tim scoffed. "What was that for? You jealous I'm better at UNO then you?" Tim said teasingly.
"No you are a big fat cheater." Lucy said accusing Tim.
"I'm not a fucking cheater babe. Go on where's your proof?" Tim snapped right back without realising that he had just slipped up. Tim and Lucy kept going back and forth at each other. 
"What did you say before Tim?!" Angela spoke up making sure she heard it right.
Tim thought for a second he then realised what he had said. "Uhhh.." Tim said trying to quickly think of an excuse.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD TIM AND LUCY ARE DATING!" Nyla yelled making sure everyone in a 10 Kilometre/Miles heard.
Lucy's cheeks went red as she looked at Tim. "COME ON TIM I KNEW YOU WOULD SLIP UP!"
Tim scoffed once again. "Whatever Luce." An annoyed Tim said.
"So.. How long?" Angela asked pointing to them.
"Almost a month." Lucy responded smiling.
Angela smirked, turned around to the others behind her. "Cough up $100 each." She said as she had won a huge bet.
Tim and Lucy's jaws were on the ground. "YOU HAD BETS OVER US?" they said at the same time. 
Angela shrugged with a smirk and then went over to Wesley and started showing him proudly about a thousand dollars she had made. After a while they all had left Angela's house. I would say it was a pretty successful party. Well for Angela.

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