Dress Coded

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Lucy's POV
I'm in roll call when I notice Tamara crying as she walks through the bullpen. I look over at Tim who has also noticed the upset teen. He looks at me confused at I shrug. Grey is the next to notice Tamara who is now standing beside the door waiting for the roll call to be over.
"Bring her in. Everyone else dismissed." Grey announces. I scramble from my seat and drag Tamara in as everyone filters out. The distressed girl quickly wraps her arms around me.
"What happened." Tim barks.
"I got dress coded!" Tamara exclaims.
"Why? There's nothing wrong with your outfit." Nolan who stuck around states and it's true. She's wearing a lilac tank top with a flower, some jeans and Converse.
"Were the shirt straps too skinny?" Angela asks.
"Nope! My principal Mr Faye thinks my shirt 'accentuates my chest!" Tamara exclaims.
"Excuse me?!" I exclaim.
"I swear to god he told me that so I just left because I'm not going to let some asshole sexualise me," Tamara tells me.
"Good." most of us state.
"Come on. We're going to chat to that sexist bastard." I tell Tamara. 
"I'm going with them, sir," Tim states not leaving it up for discussion. 5 minutes later we are arriving in the office of Mid-Wilshire High School.
"Miss Collins you didn't change." I hear from behind me. The three of us turn and see the principal standing behind us.
"I brought my parents to discuss how fucking disgusting you are!" Tamara snaps.
"What she said." I shrug making the male scoff.
"This way." He tells us and leads us to his office.
"Please remind me why my daughter got dress-coded," Tim says in his TO voice.
"Her shirt is offensive." Mr Faye states.
"How?" I ask.
"Uh.. It's distracting." He says changing his excuse even though he just dug himself deeper in the hole.
"You know what's funny? A grown-ass man getting distracted by a MINORS body." Tamara sasses making me smile proudly.
"I-I'm not!" He says back.
"You sure? You wanna stand up for me?" Tamara asks.
"No! I uh.. how come you don't get in trouble for your body!" He says back.
"THATS THE THING! I DID!" Tamara shouts while Tim and I just sit back letting Tamara fight her battle.
"Oh... When you put it like that." The male says going red in the face from embarrassment.
"So. How about you wipe my dress code, stop dress coding girls for their bodies, allow me to use my phone at breaks and I won't tell anyone about your current situation and I won't release the tape of this conversation and the write up of my dress code," Tamara states putting her hands on the desk in front of her.
"Done! Done, just please I can't lose my job!" Mr Faye begs.
"Deal. Shake me on it." Tamara says and sticks her hand out which he quickly shakes.
"Nice doing business with you," Tamara says over her shoulder as we walk out.
"I'm so fucking proud of you." I grin. With that, we all head off to take a very smug Tamara home.


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