What if Lucy refused Tim's help in 5x22?

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Lucy's POV

"Control, this is 7-Adam-19 I need backup right fucking now! I have a group coming at me, multiple armed suspects." I bark into my radio.
"LAPD! STOP RIGHT THERE! PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN!" I yell at the masked people who are still coming towards me with riot shields and weapons. Right now I'm really regretting declining Tim's offer to help. 'Metro needs you kicking down doors. I'll be fine.' That is what I so dumbly told him but I shove those thoughts to the back of my mind and decide I'll be better off to run outside to try and get higher ground than them. Tim test number 47 Always go for the high ground.

I get a few guys down with my gun but quickly run out of ammo. They keep coming at me and their weapons swing at me nearly knocking me down with every swing. I'm hanging on by a thread trying to not fall into the incoming blackness.
"LuLu, I'm coming please hold on." I hear Tim say over the radio. Everything tunes out and I focus on his words. I use the strength to get another guy down who tumbles down some stairs knocking two more masked people with them.
"Lucy you can't die," Tim begs then he pauses for dramatic effect. "I want my shirts back but I have no idea where you stash them." The next voice is different.
"Chen I swear to god if you die and I almost lit myself on fire for nothing I'm going to haunt you," Harper says over the radio, fueling my strength to keep pushing as one of the masked assailants pins me to the wall with his hands on my throat.
"Luce, you're the station's heart. You are our sunshine just hold on. Baby remember the Tim tests, remember ghost head? Hands up sweetheart, just keep breathing until I'm there. I'm so close." Tim tells me. I try to fight but I just can't I start to lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen. In my last seconds suddenly they get yanked off me and I flop to the ground. I hear some gunshots and some crashing but after a minute I feel arms lift me up and I instantly know who it is from the scent of them.
"Tim." I whimper as he carries me quickly through the building. 
"I'm right here. You did so well sweetheart, I'm so fucking proud boot." Tim tells me. A second later he lays me down on what I assume is a gurney.

Tim's POV
The next 3 hours slowly crawl by as I wait impatiently now with the crew for news about Lucy.
"Family of Lucy Chen?" A nurse asks. I quickly stand up and walk over to her.
"I'm her emergency contact and boyfriend," I tell the nurse who nods. She explains that all the tests came back pretty much clear. Lucy has some bad slashes that were fixed up with stitches and bruised rids but other than that and some bumps and bruises she's okay. I got her room number and waved for everyone to follow us. We all head up to her room and all squish inside. Lucy's face lights up when she sees us all.
"Tim!" Lucy grins like a child.
"Hey, Bubba." I grin back at her and go to claim my chair but Lucy stops me.
"Amatuer, come on, there's space for two!" Lucy says patting the bed.
"Bailey, can you confirm?" I ask smugly.
"Uhm, they are made to fit one patient. But there are exceptions if it's Chenford." Bailey smirks. I roll my eyes and slip into the bed. After some time chatting to Lucy all our friends filter out and Lucy drifts off to sleep. 

To this day I still have no fucking clue where she stashes them god damned shirts!

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