Double Date.

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A/N Thank you to @cc1ndy for this idea, Hope you like this!

Tim's POV

It's end of shift and I'm walking over to Lucy's desk to pick her up. When I get there she is talking to Angela about some gossip or something.
"Hey Luce." I say from behind her, she quickly pivots and pulls me into a hug.
"Hi!" She says cheerfully.
"OMG! We should have a double date!" Angela exclaims happily.
"No." I refuse.
"Timmmm PLEASE!" Lucy begs.
"Fine." I roll my eyes.
"Yay!" Both of them say as they hug each other.
"Ok, how is this Saturday at ours around 7?" Angela suggests.
"Perfect! Tim we need to go shopping!" Lucy tells me with a glowing smile.
"Ok." I roll my eyes.
"Yay!" Lucy grins jumping into my arms.
"Can we go now Luce? Kojo is waiting for us." I tell her.
"Take me to see my Fur baby." Lucy tells me pointing for the door.
"Bye Chenford!" Angela smirks waving.
"Bye Angela." Lucy waves from my arms.

Lucy's POV
Today is the day of our double date and I'm so excited. We are in the car on the way to the Lopez-Ever when Tim smirks and speaks up.
"We should call them Wopez." He tells me.
"OMG We should!" I grin.
"But we are saying you came up with it." He tells me.
"Oh of course, can't have your hard ass reputation ruined." I giggle.
"Thanks." Tim smiles putting his hand on my thigh.

When we get to Angela and Wesley's Tim helps me from the car and we go to the door and knock. We all greet each other with smiles and then head inside and get situated on the couch with some beers.
"Jacks at Patrice's so we can get pissed!" Angela tells us with a smile.
"Hey Tim remember our first double date?" I tease.
"I have not heard this story." Wesley says looking interested.
"Same." Angela raises her brows. After a few stories are shared and after they eat dinner the guys watch some football leaving Angela and I in the kitchen.
"Look at Tim." Angela points to Tim who is standing up yelling at the TV.
"He always does that." I laugh.
"Really?! What is he like at home? I swear if you say the same I don't know how your with him." Angela says.
"He's the opposite." I shrug.
"Really?" Angela asks amused.
"Yeah, he always smiles, he let's me choose what to watch, he cooks dinner, he even helps Tamara with her homework." I smile thinking of how he helped her write an essay last night.
"That is so cute." Angela grins.
"What are you talking about?" Tim asks from behind me.
"You." Angela and I say in sync.
"About how handsome I am? Thanks." Tim teases.
"No how your a softy." Angela smirks.
"Whatever. Luce we have to go home Tamara needs more help with her essay." Tim tells me.
"TOLD YOU!" I say to Angela.

We eventually get home and Tim helps Tamara with her essay while I take pictures and send them to Angela.

A/N I kind of went away from the point and I hate this but oh well.

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