Lucy Did You Steal My Phone Again?

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Lucy's POV
Tim is taking forever to finish showering. I roll my eyes getting bored. Then I notice his phone on his nightstand. I grab it and unlock it, now you may be thinking I'm going to go through it. Incorrect. I go to the camera function and start taking stupid and funny pictures. I spam click the button as I move around pulling lots of faces. I hear the shower turn off I check his camera roll and see the about 300 picture I just took I smile and close the apps and put his phone back on the table just before he comes out of the bathroom. We finally head off to work and go our separate ways.

Tim's POV

Angela and I are talking about a case when I remember I took a photo for some evidence. I unlock my phone and go to my phones camera roll and I immediately see loads of pictures of Lucy. I laugh as I look at a few.
"What?" Angela asks then peers over my shoulder at my camera roll.
"Little Miss must have stolen my phone again." I tell Angela as I swipe through the millions of funny face pictures she took.
"Again?" Angela asks. I go to the folder I made of her funny pictures.
"This folder has a thousand, I'll add the new ones later." I tell Angela and hand her my phone.
"These are so cute." Angela laughs as she scrolls through them.
"She always steals my phone. She never seems to go through it she just take pictures and goes onto google and search's for boots." I smile.
"That's so cute." Angela repeats.
"Yeah well that's Lucy, now let me find you that picture I may need about twenty minutes because I have to scroll past all these." I roll my eyes.

Lucy's shift finishes earlier then mine so when I get home she's already curled onto the couch watching TV.
"Tim!" She smiles and hugs me.
"Hey Luce." I tell her and hug her back. I get ready for dinner and we both sit at the dinner table together.
"Luce, while I was at work I found something on my phone." I tell her sternly and she immediately tries to hold back her smile. I grab my phone and open my camera roll and put it in front of her.
"Lucy did you steal my phone again?" I ask acting mad.
"Mayy-beee!" She giggles like a child.
"Well I think they are adorable and I'm going to keep every single one!" I tell her and move them to the folder of her pictures she take.
"You probably don't even keep them." Lucy rolls her eyes with a pout. 
"Tell that to the folder of 1,340 'Lucy-Bear' Pictures." I tell her and open the folder. Her face lights up as she scrolls through all the selfies she's ever taken from my phone, including the ones when she was a boot.
"You kept them all?" She asks putting my phone back down.
"Every single one." I assure her as I put some of my dinner in my mouth. Lucy smiles and hugs me.
"Sorry if you don't like me going on your phone without your permission though, I can stop if you want." She tells me with a frown as she eats some more of her food as well.
"It's ok Luce, I don't mind. I have nothing to find and I find your little random surprises cute. Especially when it's a long boring day at work like today, I open my camera roll and see 300 photos of my beautiful girlfriend." I tell her with a smile. Ever since that day Lucy every morning at least takes one picture of herself. Now everyday when I go onto my camera roll to see the new photo I send it to her with a little message.

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