Poor Lucy.

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A/N TYSM to @anonymous_reader_222 again for this idea. I hope you like it! x


Lucy's POV

I awake in a dark room. What the hell? Then it starts coming back to me. Me walking to the shops, getting hit over the head, black.
"Morning gorgeous." A familiar voice says.
"Chris? What the actual fuck?!" I exclaim.
"Your dating Bradford, but I don't want my girl fucking an asshole like him." He laughs, he turns a light on and I can see his smirk.
"He's not an asshole, just let me go." I spit at him.
"Calm down baby, you can leave you just have to break up with him." He shrugs and chucks me my phone.
"What? No!" I say starting to sob.
"Baby, just do it or I will kill you." Chris says, he grabs a gun and points it to me.
"FINE, FINE." I yell at him. I unlock my phone sobbing and start typing.

Tim <3

Lucy- We have to break up. I'm so sorry.
Tim- What? Luce where are you?

"No, don't text him back." Chris tells me. He then unties my wrists that I hadn't even noticed were tied.
"Can I leave?" I ask with tears in my eyes.
"Yes. But I will be over tonight." He tells me and opens a door. I run out and run to my apartment. I get home a quickly shower and cover up the few bruises with foundation. I head to the station, eyes red and puffy from crying.
"Lucy? What's wrong?" Angela asks instantly noticing.
"I had to break up with Tim." I say plainly as I watch him walk in looking mad.
"What why?" She says. "Wait, whats that?" Angela asks pointing to a bruise I missed.
"Nothing." I say and walk off, I need to tell Tim.
"Tim." I call to him as he walks towards his office.
"Fuck off Chen." He snaps.
"Tim, let me explain." I say letting more tears fall.
"No, because quote on quote 'Tim Bradford your a fucking asshole, go fuck yourself." He says reading off his phone.
"I didn't say that Tim!" I sob as he walks off. I just head back to my desk still crying.
"Luce." Angela and Nyla say staring me down.
"WHAT." I snap at them annoyed at everything.
"What really happened?" Nyla asks.
"Fucking Chris happened." I say wiping my eyes.
"What the hell are you talking about?" They ask. I grab their arms and lead them outside and we sit at a table.
"The asshole abducted me. Made me text Tim and break up with him just to be able to leave and then he texted Tim from my phone telling him to fuck himself. And then tonight he's coming over because HE wants to." I rant to them and start sobbing again at the thought of not being with Tim. "I tried to talk to Tim but he wouldn't listen." I add after a minute.
"Luce, we will talk to him." Angela suggests.
"Thank you." I tell her and sit there trying to wipe my tears as they walk into the station leaving me have some time to myself.

Angela's POV
Poor Lucy, I just want to wrap her up in bubble wrap and keep her safe forever. We get to Tim's office where he is just staring at the framed picture of Lucy on his desk.
"Tim, we know why Lucy broke up with you." I tell him as I close the door behind Harper and I.
"What? Why?" He asks straightening up.
"Chris abducted her, he forced her to do it. She was trying to tell you." Harper tell Tim.
"What." Tim asks shocked.
"You need to help her." I tell him. "She really likes you, she's outside sobbing right now, go talk to her I sure it was a fake break up." I assure him. He stands up and leaves the room fast.

Tim's POV
I'm mad. Not at Lucy at Chris. I'm going to end him. I get outside and see Lucy with her head on a table.
"Luce. They told me." I tell her and hug her tightly.
"Tim, I'm sorry. I don't want to break up. Can we still be together?" She begs me looking into my eyes.
"Yes baby, we will get Chris away." I assure her. She just nods. We talk about a plan and we go back to shift after a while. I get an arrest warrant on Chris ready for tonight.

Lucy's POV
It's now end of shift and I know Chris will be waiting at my apartment. I get home, unlock the door and see Chris standing there. He sees me and pins me against the door I had just closed.
"Hey gorgeous." He says. I cringe at it and smell the alcohol on his breath. He then smashes his lips on mine. I try and move but  his lips stay on mine.
"Stop." I say muffled by Chris' mouth. Come on Tim where are you, you should be here. Chris grabs my hand and leads me to the couch. I sit there scared. Suddenly he makes a move and start to take his shirt off.
"Stop Chris." I beg but he leans over and kisses me again. Suddenly my door opens and in comes Tim with Angela and Nyla and his side.
"LAPD YOUR UNDER ARREST." Angela calls. Tim runs over and rips Chris from me. He roughly arrests him. 
"Fuck you." He calls as Nyla starts to leave with him. Tim runs over to me where I'm crying.
"I'm so sorry Lucy-Bear." Tim tells me and hugs me tightly. All I can think about is what if he was a little later? I wipe my mouth on his shirt as we hug.
"Luce, is this his shirt and his bag?" Angela speaks up. I look and nod.
"Let's burn the fuckers shit." Tim says smirking.
"Fuck YEAH!" I say jumping from the couch. I use tongs to grab his shirt and Angela grabs his bag that's filled with stuff. We take it to the alleyway next to the apartment and burn it. I smile watching his shit go up in flames as I hug Tim.

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