Tamara's 21st!

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Lucy's POV
Today is Tamara's 21st birthday and she is jumping out of her skin, excited to go to our bar with us after work. I'm also extremely excited for her party since I've put a lot of work into planning it.

Finally it's end of shift, all our friends leave the second 7pm ticks by so we have time to get ready and get to the bar by 8:30 for Tamara's party. When Tim and I arrive home we are greeted to the sound of Ariana Grande blasting from the living room. I see Tim roll his eyes as we step inside and see Tamara dancing around the living room with Kojo in her arms.
"Someone's excited." I laugh startling Tamara.
"I mean I'm officially an adult! I can adopt a child if I want." Tamara grins as she puts Kojo down who bolts over to us for attention.
"Your not adopting a child." Tim shakes his head.
"Fine! I can screw my celeb crush without you arresting him." Tamara smirks.
"TAMARA." Tim scolds her but she just rolls her eyes and goes back to singing dangerous woman.

At 8:15 we leave the house since we live pretty close to the bar. When we arrive it is 8:30 on the dot and everyone is some how already here. The second the group notice Tamara they all jump up to greet her and wish her a happy birthday. We get settled in and then I turn to Tamara with an excited smile.
"You ready to get wasted?" I ask.
"Uhm yeah!" Tamara exclaims as she grabs her ID. We head up to the bar and order drinks. The bartender makes the birthday girl a surprise drink and I order drinks for everyone at the table. We head back to the table drinks in hand and hand them around. We all cheers and Tamara excitedly tastes her drink.
"How the fuck have I lived without this for 21 years?!" Tamara exclaims after her first sip making us all laugh.
"Well don't think I didn't notice the missing beers a year ago." I shrug.
"What?" Tim asks.
"Uh. So I maybe stole a beer. Or two. It was good at least." Tamara smirks.
"Brave move T, especially with Sergeant grumps." Aaron laughs.

The night goes by fast and just as I said earlier Tamara ends up wasted. In the morning I wake  up to Tim and Tamara arguing.
"Tamara you have your own bed." Tim grumbles.
"Just move over! I want my Lucy." Tamara whines. There is silence then a large thump and I open my eyes in shock to the noise of Tim whining in pain as Tamara crawls into bed.
"Lucy I hate my life." Tamara whines.
"Tamara did you just pull Tim out of his own bed?" I laugh.
"Yeah but because I have a fat ass hangover and I'm regretting my life choices." Tamara says cuddling up to me while Tim gets back in bed on the other side of me this time.
"Tamara stop hogging Lucy!" Tim grumbles trying to cuddle me as well.
"She's my wife." Tamara jokes.
"Excuse me?" Tim asks.
"Tim baby, she's joking. Now children, share me equally." I laugh at them trying to shove each others arms off me.
"No." They both whine though Tamara whining is cut short because she launches off the bed and runs to our bathroom gagging.
"OH COME ON! FIRST MY LUCY NOW OUR BATHROOM!" Tim exclaims while I get up to help Tamara. "Oh and now my Lucy again!" He whines.
"You two are such children." I shake my head.

A/N Short chapter but it's 5:30am cut me some slack! Also sorry for not uploading more like I said I would but we getting there.

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