Night out at the bar

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It's a Friday night at end of shift today everyone had a difficult day with work so the crew is going to hang out at a bar together.

At about 7PM and Lucy and Tim arrive together, Lucy is wearing a pink spaghetti strap crop top that only just shows the bottom of the DOD tattoo and some ripped jeans, Tim is in a fancy-ish shirt, a jacket and some jeans. Lucy spots the other cops.
"Hey guys!" Lucy says with a wave as Tim follows her over with his hand on her waist. It's been 3 or 4 years since Caleb abducted Lucy but she still has trouble at bars because they are busy so it would be easy for someone to not notice her gone, but Tim's here and they picked a more quiet bar so she's pretty comfortable. 
"Hey Chenford!" Angela teases. Tim just rolls his eyes.
"Can you please get me a beer Tim?" Asks Lucy who's on edge a bit.
"Of course, go say hi to everyone else Angela stay with her." Tim orders Angela and then walks off to get the beers.
When he returns Lucy's chatting to Nolan and Celina.
After a while of drinking Lucy turns to Tim whose been standing by her so she feels safe.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Lucy informs Tim and then walks off and around the corner to towards the bathrooms. After she's done in the bathroom she starts walking back towards her friends table when someone speaks up as she walks past them.
"Hey! I was just wondering if I could buy you a drink?" The man asks, Lucy shoots her head and looks at him.
"uhm no thank you." Lucy tells the man.

Tim checks the time. Lucy's been gone for five minutes.
"Angela I'm going to find Lucy can you come with me incase we need to check the bathrooms." Tim says to his best friend.
"Sure!" Angela says with a smile.
They turn the corner to see a guy talking to Lucy and Lucy looks uncomfortable.
"Sir I said I'm not interested and I have a boyfriend." Lucy tells him again getting more frustrated. She would have walked of but he grabbed her shirt to stop her.
"Sir what are you doing?" Ask Angela, the man just ignores Angela and Tim who are now standing next to Lucy. Lucy looks at Tim with pleading eyes but then she hears the drunk mans voice again.
"Also you have tattoo's whats that one?" He asks and tries to lift Lucy's shirt a bit to see it. Without thinking Lucy grabbed his arm and pulled him off the chair and onto the ground without thinking.
"Luce it's ok, Luce listen to me its ok." Tim tells her as she holds the mans arm as she cries. Tim pulls off his jacket and puts it on Lucy to hide her body and the tattoo. Lucy turns to him and hugs him. 
"Sorry about that sir but you shouldn't be lifting up girls shirts. Especially not cops." Angela warns him as she walks him out and calls for back up to pick him up. Angela walks back to Lucy and joins the couples hug. 
"Come on let's go fix your makeup and get back to drinking unless you want Tim to take you home." Angela tells the small woman. 
"Let's just fix my makeup and get back to drinking." Lucy tells her. They walk over to the bathroom and Tim stands out front to wait for them.  When they come back out Lucy's makeup is fixed but there is a bit of stains from her mascara still. They walk back over to the table of confused cops.
"Why is there backup here?" Asks Grey.
"We had an incident." Tim speaks up as he pulls Lucy in for a hug, even though it was already like Tim was hugging her due to the size of his jacket on her.
"Some ass hole thought it would be fun to hit on me, not let me leave and then try to lift my shirt to see my tattoo." Lucy said plainly.
"But then Luce taught him a lesson by pulling him off his chair and down to the ground with an arm." Tim says proudly.
"Super human?" Asks a drunk Celina.
"I think we should all go home though because clearly a few of us are either having too much fun or not at all." Nyla suggests.
"Yeah." A few of us agree, we then decide who is driving who home and pay out tab then we all head home.

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