Why Are You On Top Of The Fridge?

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Lucy's POV

I'm making my morning coffee when I notice Tim put the cups up way too high.
"Tim! I need help!" I beg.
"Luce, I'm doing something right now give me a few minutes princess." Tim calls back from our room. I roll my eyes at the thought of a few minutes. I us a stool so I can climb onto the bench and reach the top shelf of the cabinet. I pull a mug out of the cupboard but knock another one down. I watch as it breaks on the ground.

Tim's POV
I hear the sound of something breaking. I run from our room ditching the book I was reading. I get to the kitchen and see Lucy on top of the fridge frowning.
"What happened?" I ask straight away.
"I'm sorry. I knocked a mug from the bench while I was getting my mug." She tells me. I check what mug it is and a smile.
"Thanks, I hated that mug. Now my second question is why are you on top of the fridge?" I ask her.
"I wanted my coffee now not in a few minutes. Us short girls are good at climbing!" Lucy giggles. I roll my eyes. I take her mug and put it on the bench and then lift Lucy down from the fridge like a child.
"I could have got down myself." She tells me.
"I know but I don't want that to be our head." I say to Lucy pointing at the smashed mug.
"Sorry about the mug though, I will clean it." Lucy smiles shyly.
"I promise it's ok. I really hated it but Angela gave it to me so I thought if I got rid of it she would whoop my ass. You gave me the perfect excuse to throw it out." I smile. We clean up the mug and Lucy eventually gets that damn cup of coffee. I'm still a little confused on how she got on top of the fridge...

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