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Lucy's POV
Today I'm on patrol with Aaron. We are walking back to the shop with our criminal when I hear a noise.
"Aaron, wait a second." I say. I put my finger up to tell him to be quiet and listen. Then I hear the noise again, whimpering.
"Lucy it's probably just a skunk. Don't do a Bradford." Aaron teases. I roll my eyes and start walking towards the whimpering. I peek into the bush and see a puppy.
"It's a puppy! I think it's a Labrador!" I grin. I reach my hand out and it immediately sniffs my hand and wags it's tail.
"Aaron it likes me!" I smile.
"Lucy please don't tell me your going to take it." Aaron begs.
"Aaron you haven't even seen it!" I complin. I reach to pick it up and it lets me. I then do what any other human would do. 
"Aaron it's a baby girl!" I tell him after I check.
"Ew that things ugly." The criminal speaks up.
"Shut up so are you. I'm taking the puppy, lets go Aaron." I grin.
"Fine but don't let your boyfriend come at me." Aaron puts his free hand up in surrender.
"He won't!" I smile and carry the puppy back to the shop.

Tim's POV
Angela, Nyla, Grey and I are all talking when suddenly I hear a voice behind me.
"Hey uh.. sir?" Aaron asks from behind me.
"Is Lucy ok?" I ask quickly turning but I see Lucy with her hands behind her back and grinning.
"Uhm, your girlfriend did something but I want you to know I tried my best to stop it." Aaron says cautiously.
"Luce what did you do?" I ask then she pulls something out behind her back. I open my mouth to argue but Lucy moves forwards and cups my mouth with her hand.
"Tim you have to let me keep her! She was all alone in a bush! Let me keep her pleaseeeee!" Lucy begs.
"Luce we can't keep it, last time you got a dog I ended up with it." I tell her, I hear the others snickering behind me but I ignore them.
"But Timmm! Also you said no to a human baby but I don't need you for a fur baby." Lucy complains.
"Luce I said no baby yet that's not no but you do need me with a fur baby because Kojo is proof!" I argue back.
"Timothy fucking Bradford." Lucy frowns.
"Oh shit Tim's in trouble." Grey teases.
"We are keeping her if you say no then I'll break up with you. Then I'll date one of you friends and have their kids." Lucy smiles proudly.
"Luce, make sure to take her to the vet. Also Kojo will need to be desexed I don't want any more pets." I give in.
"Thank you! I love you sooo much! Also I named her Eden." Lucy grins, waves with the puppies paw and walks off. I turn back to the grinning group behind me.
"Tim you have gone soft!" Angela teases.
"Shut up. She threatened to break up with me, you would have done the same." I huff.
"I would have given her the kids." Grey chuckles.
"Yeah, I guess you guys have talked about kids." Nyla chimes in.
"I mean she did mention grandkids on the second date." I shrug.
"I feel like that is the most Lucy thing ever." Grey rolls his eyes.
"No, the dog is." Nyla laughs.
"Stop teasing my girlfriend." I frown.
"Fine!" Nyla and Grey laugh.

When I get home Eden, Kojo and Lucy and playing in the backyard.
"Tim look they love each other!" Lucy says pointing to the dogs.
"And I love you." I smile.
"I love you too, now I want to show you the matching shirts I got them!" Lucy grins and tugs me inside. This is the most Lucy thing ever.

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